Hi Guys and gals!
Enough with the pleasantries, I'm worried about my daughters snake. We graduated up to the next size pinkies today and fed little snako. He is about 6 mths and he approached the pinkie from the head and now he has been stuck with his mouth over the head and the pinkies front feet on each side of his mouth for about 1 hour.
Do I just let him work it out, or do i try and extract it gently??? The pinkie is approx 2 x width of him. In future should i chop the legs of the pinkies before feeding???
Liz and Jorja
Enough with the pleasantries, I'm worried about my daughters snake. We graduated up to the next size pinkies today and fed little snako. He is about 6 mths and he approached the pinkie from the head and now he has been stuck with his mouth over the head and the pinkies front feet on each side of his mouth for about 1 hour.
Do I just let him work it out, or do i try and extract it gently??? The pinkie is approx 2 x width of him. In future should i chop the legs of the pinkies before feeding???
Liz and Jorja