help pls! snake might be choking

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Jun 25, 2009
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Hi Guys and gals!
Enough with the pleasantries, I'm worried about my daughters snake. We graduated up to the next size pinkies today and fed little snako. He is about 6 mths and he approached the pinkie from the head and now he has been stuck with his mouth over the head and the pinkies front feet on each side of his mouth for about 1 hour.
Do I just let him work it out, or do i try and extract it gently??? The pinkie is approx 2 x width of him. In future should i chop the legs of the pinkies before feeding???
Liz and Jorja
hi, i'm not too sure if pulling it out will be the best thing. as their teeth are like little hooks and will be stuck in there pretty good probably. but at the same time you don't want him stuck like that, cuz one hour is a very long time.
my thoughts would be to try and open his mouth up to unhook the teeth and then try and take it out. but it would be best to wait for someone else's opinion...
Just leave it and it will probably work it's way around the legs, if it can't get it down it will give up.
The snake wont choke. if the prey is to big the will eventully give up and regurgitate it. when mine have had similar problems, i have just left them for a few hours and they eventully get it down. but maybe other people prefer to intervene.
Thanks for your help, will keep a close eye on him over the next hour or so. Hopefully I will come back with some happy news. If not, does anyone live in the Sinnamon Park area???

can snakes actually choke??

i never thought they could as they breathe though an airway different to ours, and they can also breathe through their nose.

imo, it should be fine!
Alrighty people! Excellent news. I poked him with the tweezers and he regurgitated the pinkie. I then swiftly got the pinkie out, chopped it's legs off, rinsed with boiled water and have popped it back in for snako. he is now devouring it, while swinging it around! All's well, and happy!!!
Thankyou all, for calming a panicked parent and kid.
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