help sex these shinglebacks

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2006
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whats your 'experienced' opinion on the sex of these five shinglebacks?






thanks for that hawk, that was my guess as well, some of the short tailed males fooled me a little.

care to explain a little more?

thanks heaps!
which two woild you recomend buying as a pair.. healthy male?

i know they usually only go for their 'one and only' but when they are kept in a group like this, how would you tell?
theyre so black,...

i've been looking fro some totally black ones,...

are they yours Kirby?

is the rounder tail how people are guessing which is female?
i think that there are 4 boys and number 3 is a girl. reptiles australia has a section on sexing stumpies in it. volume 4 issue 4 :)
females supposedly have a shorter nubb tail, and a thinner head. the males have thick sturdy heads and a longer tail...

they are soon to be mine, just waiting for import licence and a definite choice on which ones... ill only be taking two (a male and the only female)

PM me if you want to know more Chris.
I usually just go on tail shape, arrow shape for male and round for female. There are the odd one or two that look a bit of both(m/f) but tail shape is the best way imo.
Male 5 or 1 would be my pick
My question is how old are they?
If they are adults and the female has already bonded with a male, she will not breed with any other male.
Shingle backs mate for life, so if they are adults and have been kept together you have a 25% chance of picking the right boy.
Or they wont breed.
They don't really bond in captivity especially if they're kept in a group. They'll breed fine if they're kept properly.
Female Stumpies will breed with another male. If seperated from their partner they will take on another mate.
In a study in SA it has also been shown that females will stray from their partner as sometimes when the male is occupied another male will sneak in and do the deed.
I find that mine only breed every second year and not always with the same male.
thanks guys,

i figured with four other boys it would be too hard for one to occupy her side, thus there probably isnt a bond. they have been kept in a group like this for years.

im choosing the female, and number 5. i did as that they be put on the floor to try see which boy sticks by her more.. but as most of you have said, im sure whatever male is chosen, he will try and try untill she gives in..

i always wondered why in the wild, if the male was killed.. would she not breed or give in to another male?
We run one male to up to 3 females in out door pits and they breed most years, the old addage
of them being monogamous is a furphy!
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