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Hi everyone,

I've had my spotted for over a year and like to think I know his habits/behaviours well enough to see when something is wrong. For the last few weeks his active personality has vanished. He has not been leaving his hide and he doesn't seem to be shedding.

I'm worried he might be ill. About a week ago I checked for a respiratory infection but didn't see anything alarming, though I'm not a professional (I'll check again for changes tonight regardless).

He has been eating, though not enthusiastically. Previously, he would strike the mouse - now he hesitates for about 1/2hr before going for it. He also passed his last meal this night and his faeces were different than usual. These were light brown/yellow and chalky and I'm not sure if that indicative of poor health.

I've been maintaining the enclosure and the correct temperatures and changed nothing in his environment for about a year in which I had no issues.

Does anyone have any ideas and is it time to see a vet?
