Help, skin torn off baby python

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New Member
Jan 9, 2012
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Baulkham Hills, Sydney
One of our baby diamonds got stuck on double sided tape, had been there overnight and torn some of it's skin off trying to free itself. We were able to remove it from the tape using olive oil - the whole body and head was stuck - (we recommend olive oil for stuck snakes / reptiles, had success with electrical tape and double sided, with no harm to snake - so recommend it, just pour it on and push it into the stuck area, carefully), however, before we got to the baby, it had torn two large sections of skin off, down to the flesh. Significant amount missing (two patches of 1 inch length, 1/3 of it's width). We've applied Golden seal ointment and oiled the whole snake, and it has survived and moving around the cage ok. Normal care with heat and hide box. Now wondering if we should feed baby? It hasn't been fed for three weeks prior to injury and know it will need food to recuperate. We've got tiny pinkies (it was on fuzzies), to try and avoid body stretching, but don't know if we should leave until the raw area is healed or feed to assist healing? Any ideas?
Why was there double sided tape in with a snake?? I would get it to a vet so it can hopefully be suitured up.
Just leave it alone for a few days. Don't try feeding it.
This is why we don't use tape inside enclosures kids
paw paw cream is good, and savlon. i used those when my part of my darwins tail came off, helped a lot, i would wait until it has healed a little, then try with a few small items, just to be sure, and definately take it to a vet. but, why was there double sided tape in with a snake to begin with?? o_O
Yeah.. rule #1 is no tape.
Best of luck with the little fella. Wish I had more positive insights.
Hindsight is wonderful :( Had a backdrop in this cage, had been there with other snakes, no problems, forgot about curious baby diamonds :( No skin to suture, it was gone when we found it in the morning. Rest of the snake is ok, it's stiff in those parts missing skin, but moving freely otherwise. Thanks for the advice, I'll hold off feeding and update in a few days if he makes it....
Oh ouchies :( Poor little critter :(
If it were mine; I'd be taking it to the vet just to be sure.
I don't see what a vet could do other than what you have done already. I wouldn't hesitate to feed it, if it's going to take food - it's a good sign. Small pinky won't hurt, after a meal it will probably sit still, which may help the healing process. Just my opinion.
I posted this in another thread the other day.

If you are in Western Sydney I can recommend Avian, Reptile & Exotic Pet Hospital - Camden. 02 9351 1798. They are part of The University of Sydney, when I went there the doctor I saw was very professional and they have a good staff.

If you are closer to the city give the NORTH SHORE VETERINARY SPECIALIST CENTRE in St Leonards a call, they also have a reptile specialist on staff which comes in a couple of times a week. When I spoke to them last time it was a "Drop off and call you when we are finished" with reptiles. 02 9436 4884
sorry to hear that mate I hope *** goes well If you keep an eye on it a keep it clean you shouldn't have any troubles. but yeh i would hold off on the food for a while it can live without food for a lot longer then 3 weeks.
Pazzy, why would you hold off food. Can you explain your reason please? I am not having a go at you, just curious what's your reason.
well just going buy what was said i wouldn't want the snake to stretch to much and break the skin that has already started to heal. but its hard to say without seeing the snake if that would be the best thing, coz like you said if it takes food thats a good sign
I recently had a customer ring me up when their GTP got glued to something in there enclosure. Unfortunatley the animal suffered some skin issues (torn skin from base of head down the neck).

I went over an collected the animal which was exhausted. I took with me some vaseline to rub on the wound so it did not become dry before it could be cleaned.

Long story short, i cleaned it and took it home and kept the a bit dry so that there was no infection or bacteria able to grow.

It ate as per normal the following week. In some situations the animal may not eat but this may be due to the stress of the event. The animal should always be offered food after a complete rest period, the nutrition will help the animal imo.
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