New Member
One of our baby diamonds got stuck on double sided tape, had been there overnight and torn some of it's skin off trying to free itself. We were able to remove it from the tape using olive oil - the whole body and head was stuck - (we recommend olive oil for stuck snakes / reptiles, had success with electrical tape and double sided, with no harm to snake - so recommend it, just pour it on and push it into the stuck area, carefully), however, before we got to the baby, it had torn two large sections of skin off, down to the flesh. Significant amount missing (two patches of 1 inch length, 1/3 of it's width). We've applied Golden seal ointment and oiled the whole snake, and it has survived and moving around the cage ok. Normal care with heat and hide box. Now wondering if we should feed baby? It hasn't been fed for three weeks prior to injury and know it will need food to recuperate. We've got tiny pinkies (it was on fuzzies), to try and avoid body stretching, but don't know if we should leave until the raw area is healed or feed to assist healing? Any ideas?