Heteronotia binoei Plz reply ASAP THX

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Darwin, NT
will Heteronotia binoei be able to with stand heat in the NT?
temps 28-34 outside temps
....cooler inside though

Thx Daniel
they are a desert dwelling sp and they are found all over the nt so i assume they can stand the heat up there
ok thx hornet its just wanting to be sure because i was told another local species wouldnt be able to with stand the heat, dunno what was with that
as long as the tank isnt sumwhere where its going to over heat i would thing it would b fine, possibly give them a spray with water 2 cool them down if u think its getting 2 hot
ok thx... i went to the shops just then and saw at a petshop a "pair" of spiny tails for $100 this is good price isnt it? im just asking, i dont think i will get them because its a petshop and ive heard things bout the owners....but he said he got them from URS

but back to the bynoe's the real topic of this thread has anyone had any experience with them? breed them? and information would be apreciated

Thx Daniel
Mate if you saw a pair of gex that are from the northern territory and your enclosure is open at the top and indoors without sunlight on them i reckon they'd be fine. Pet shops may be good or bad but do the gecko's look healthy? Not skinny or sick looking? If not then what does it matter really? As long as they appear healthy and are a top end species i personally would buy them if i wanted them.
yeh they look healthy etc, but i think i would prefer the bynoe's....the pet shop should still have them if this other sale doesnt work out
If they were bought from URS then they are Strophurus Williamsi, not Strophurus Ciliaris. I keep and breed Bynoes geckos, they are hardy little animals, prolific feeders and breeders and very amusing to watch.

yeh the one's he had in the store looked nothing like the one in the ultimate reptile pic or the ones i found on google...wierd
saz, wat sp of diplodactylus do you breed and how much, also how much u sell h.binoei 4?

I keep my adult trio in a 38cm by 26cm tub, they are a small species, only about 5cm svl. They have this wood pile, a small hide and a water bowl (milk bottle top) in their enclosure, I use sand mixed with peat for substrate. They get fed every other day with about 5 small crix each, they eat all of them and have nice fat tails, so it must be a good amount for them. Hope the pics help.

Here's a pic taken through the plastic so it isn't great. They love their wood pile. Male is the cream one on the left, one of the females is on the right.


Hatchling H.Binoei



This is S.williamsi (no spines above eyes)


This is S.Ciliaris (spines above eyes)


I keep D.galeatus, D.dameaum and D.Steindachneri, but I won't have any available until at the earliest next season. I sell the H.Binoei hatchlings for $50 per animal.

Those are so cute- I saw some and they weren't nice looking at all! I hadn't considered keeping them for that reason- but yours are all so cute!

Might end up with some...they're nice. There's too many damn species I like now...just gonna have to get them all LOL!!
They are a great species. Here's a pic I took this afternoon. I found this little fella in the incubator when I got back from work, he is sitting right next to his empty egg!

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