After about a decade of hassling my mum, I've finally been able to get a reptile licence at 16. I am extremely lucky to be friends with an experienced breeder who set me up with a pygmy python about a week ago. Unfortunately, he's on holidays at the moment so I can't contact him and I'm a little bit worried about my temperature (I live near the snow, very cold!). I've played around with the setup a bit, and have managed to get the temperature to sit comfortably around 27C at the warm end. I'm pretty sure that this is a little low. My snake hasn't been overly active, mainly keeping to his hide rock, but seems to be doing well, and from what I understand this is pretty normal with new snakes. He responds well to handling and has eaten well, roughly 48 hrs ago (haven't found a poo yet). Should I be worried about the temperature, or is it ok? Any help would be greatly appreciated!