Housing marbled southern geckos

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Active Member
Oct 13, 2005
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Hi im looking at getting some marbled southern geckos i have a reptile one glass tank 450mm L x 360mm H x 300mm D just wanting to know how many can be housed in this tank with out any problems? I have read afew things on the net and they all say different things so looking for someone that keeps them to tell me how many they keep in what size tank.
Thanks all.
Read i could keep up to 6 or so in something that size. Thats why im here asking.
you could house about 10 in that they love compony of other marbled geckos they all huddle up together
no they wont fight each other my i had 4 pairs on the same tank never had any fights
they will fight, u will know when they are fighting because they will squeak at each other. males of nearly every species shouldnt be kept together
LOL well they say if u ask 10 people a question u will get 11 answers :)
If your looking to house these geckos, it is better to keep up to four together and no more. Its not that a few more than this will cause problems necessarily, its just that potential overcrowding should be avoided as they'll crawl all over each other in the confines of a cage (which can be stressful), compete for food, the best hiding spaces and defecate all over the place making it messier quicker. A small handful should be plenty, but watch that they are always happy and healthy :)
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