how do i get my bearded dragon to eat a pinky

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Keep trying he will
Try feeding the crickets with twisers, he will get all excited and ul be able to slip one in, the look is priceless
Nah pinkies are tricky- if you must feed them (and i wouldnt do it too often- more as a treat though)- just hold off on feeding him for a day- then add a little of his fav greens, chopped finely- roll the pinkie around in it- then try feeding him directly with chopsticks/tweazers or whatever you have.

And dont stress if it wont happen for you- it doesnt happen for everyone mate. Esecially if they are right into greens and insects- and not yet a big adult.
why does he need pinkies?
theyre not really recommended unless something is really struggling to gain weight or for gravid females.

ur best off sticking with insects and salads. :)
Yep- they are a little fatty and not really what a beardie is going to eat in the wild- given that even in remote areas with barren grounds, there will always be an abundance of insects and a little greenage... So go easy on him/her...if he doesnt want the pinkie- then just throw it out and stick to the book.
I agree with wheezer and chris if it dosnt really want to you dont have to you can try tomorrow but if it chooses not to then just leave as it is
he was pretty sick not long ago and he wasnt eating much thats why i have benn trying to feed him a pinky
Pinkies are a good source of calcium and protine, great to use if your little man hasn't been well! But don't force him, try using woodies (roaches) and giant meal worms as well as salad and crickets. Woodies have more nutritional value, mealworms have a higher fat content and crickets are like candy. Are you using a calcium supplement? (It comes in powder or liquid form) If not you should be, I have seen far too many beardies with MBD (metabolic bone disorder) due to lack of calcium. Also get him out into some natural uv light...... did you know that 20 minutes in natural sun is equivelant to one month under a uv globe. Hope this info helps. :)
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