We had bearded dragons and eastern water dragons and crickets were offered two times a day and only what that could eat in a 10min period,they also were offered a bearded dragon pellet food, fresh greens and salads were supplied daily and they were finely chopped,carrot,purple cabbage,parsley,broccoli,cauliflower,bean sprouts,peas,corn,saltanas,sesame seeds,tomato and a good one was strawberries cut up small and during the summer months a weed called dandelion (yellow flower with a green stem)spin in your finger's and will jump all over them and we also feed our's hibiscus leafs in red and pink but no pestacides sprays on weeds as dandelion is a weed pest the council's spray them often so during summer they grew in our back yard and just picked what we needed before i cut the lawns or Bobby was set free to run and he ate what he wanted.We introduced chopped greens and new foods when they were young and at the start they ran through the food and even ignored it and then thay started to nibble on some and it's now part of their daily intake,uneaten food was removed at the end of each day.Reptiles can be wary of new foods so make food changes gradually and monitor your bearded dragon's weight and food intake and allow time for changes.
Hope all goes well Paul.