how much should i feed my snake?

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Jul 28, 2008
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i have a jungle carpet that is about 6 months old and i am currently feeding her once a week. i was reading another thread and some people feed their pythons about every 2-3 weeks even when they are roughly the same age as mine. they say this allows them to grow at a steady pace and leads to a longer life, and a healthier python.

i was thinking of feeding mine every time she passes something which is about every 8-10 days.

what are your thoughts?

thanks guys :)
This opens a huge area of debate and everyone has their own opinion. Mine is, 6 month old jungle, feed it a small mouse once a week, keep the heat up to it and vary its feeding, let it go for a fortnight without a feed at one stage and then back to weekly feeds (Replicate nature a bit). Just don't overfeed, that's my two-bobs worth.

Like I said, you'll get other opinions on this.
There would be different opionions on this,i generally feed my babys up to twelve months roughly weekly depending on the year,when they get a bit older,i usually feed 10-14days,good luck.
I don't really have a set rule. I feed weekly usually but sometimes things come up and they might end up a couple days later the next week or miss a week all together. But I have never gone more than fortnightly except over winter when they don't eat anyway
I'm feeding my baby Morelia a weaner mouse every week at the moment. When I go up a prey size, I feed every 10 - 12 days for a while. I'll probably slow down the feeding in the new year. My Antaresia are adults, so go for about 2 weeks between feeds during feeding season. They have just come off the winter fast and are seriously hunting!
yer its a wide topic of opinion, but thanks guys for the advice :) keep it coming cheers
I feed my 7-8mth old MD once a week but went two without a feed last week due to shedding. I was feeding him one fuzzy per week but now, I'm doing two. In another 5 weeks I'll change to 1 weaner mouse, still weekly, unless in shed (milky and mopey). I hope that helps
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