How Often Should A 6Mth Bredli Excrete?

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Not so new Member
Aug 11, 2009
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G'day guys, my 6mth Bredli is finally & slowly settling into its smaller enclosure & the temperature has been adjusted to one side heating on average 32C via heat mat.

I've had her for close to nearly 2 mths now...suffice to say I've fed her 4 times already, every 7 days.

1st Feed- A pinky mouse (after she refused a rat fuzzy)
2nd Feed- A Hopper mouse
3rd Feed- 2 Hopper mice (she gladly accepted the 2nd straight away)

So simply, how often should I expect her to excrete?
After each feed?
Monthly with shed?

I won't hesitate bathing her in warm water but if I'm feeding her every 7 days...not handling her for a couple days after feeding...there's only a day or two window of opportunity to handle, much less bathe her.

Any advice, thoughts would be great.

My bredli Monty, will prob excrete after every meal, it can take up to 2-3 days, it can take up to a week.
I'm feeding him about once a week on pinkies at the moment, and i make sure he does his business before the next feed..
Dont fret, it will all take time. Keep a record of everything, when you feed to when you notice a toilet break..
It may take longer, depending on how long it takes to digest.. monty can digest pinkies within 2 days.
I fed him on Monday night, I might not see anything til Friday..

Best of luck and let me know how u go..
Its totally dependent on how much and often it eats.

Dont stress too much about it, it doesnt really matter.
with a couple of my hatchies they would not always go after every feed, but generally would go after the second if not before. Often all that would be passed was a small amount of urea type crap.
Cheers. I am keeping a record of all feeds, future sheds & excretions.

I'm used to owning & looking after adult pythons...I feel like I must be fretting & worrying more because this one's so young.
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