how to cool down enclosures?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2012
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Palmerston, Northern Territory, Australia
I live in Darwin where it averages between 30-35 and I have been told most snakes like to be kept at 25 degrees firstly is this correct and if so how can I cool down the cages?(the snakes in question are a Bredli, stimmi and a coastal)
well there is not much you can do. firstly ensure all your heating devices are connect to a thermostat.(as they should be)
secondly on very hot days you can put your snakes in tubs and sit them on the bathroom tiles (these will most likey be the coldest spot in your house. i believe some people install computer fans into there tanks to increase airflow.
aircon is fantastic but pricey.
hope i could help
oh and with heat some people keep there hot spots at 32 so 35 isnt that much hotter you will notice your snake wont need to go on its heating device to digest. (but it should by habbit considering your using a thermostat)
make sure a nice large water dish is in there cages so they can cool down at all times
Im dont think that is true because i have been told that most snakes like to be kept around 30-31! You should be fine with your stimmi and bredli because they are from already hot areas (desert) but with the coastal i would either bring him inside or place him somewhere cooler on hot days (32+) but if darwin has lots of days over 32 i would find away to cool his enclosure down or just place a water bowl with cold water in it and he can go in it if he wishes your other options could be to place a mini fan in the enclosure (with something around it so he cant get in it) and he should be fine! Or you could bath him in cold water and then place him back in his enclosure on hot days although good luck with that since he is evil haha ! :)
Frozen bottle of water wrapped in towels will provide a cold spot where they can cool down if needed.
Otherwise air con room set to 25 degrees will get ambient temps to an acceptable level
35 for a Bredli is no drama at all. I live in Melbs and keep mine between 34 and 36 during daylight hours. They are fine and actually seem to thrive on it down here...
+1 jackknife jimmy , Aussie reptiles10 coastal 30-31 yeh bredli 34-36 no problems at all
Just have plenty of ventilation. The problem with putting huge water bowls is the enclosures humidity will go thru the roof and not all snakes like/need alot of humidity.

As long as there is good ventilation, I am sure your snakes will be fine with 35 ish degrees during the day..... cheap to heat :lol:
As we get temps to 40 here and my leaf tails , milii dont take well to heat so I put them on floor and run a fan through the hottest time, this has kept them alive for the last two summers with the air movement. A damp towel also helps cool the air.
If it's only hitting 30 I just make sure that the window is open to get the airflow going and that the thermostat is successfully turning lamps off - if it gets anything hotter than 32 (I have a Diamond and a Coastal) I'll get a little portable fan going in the room too - like the kind my parents used to have. Sometimes I'll just switch their heat off for the whole day altogether because it is simply not needed!
Im in the Territory too mate and have kept my collection happy with the aircon at 25 during 1000 to 1730 (Ambient temp fluctuates between 27 and 29 then) with the overhead fan going all day & night. Its kept my guys happy for the past couple of years.

As mentioned though, keep their water bowls full incase they need a drink or a soak as well.
Frozen bottle of water wrapped in towels will provide a cold spot where they can cool down if needed.
Otherwise air con room set to 25 degrees will get ambient temps to an acceptable level

The frozen water bottle wrapped in a towel trick works great, also, you can put a large hide over the bottle to trap the cold in a confined space so it stays frozen longer and cools the air in the hide.
i don't use heating or cooling
i do have heat mat just in case tho

Bingo, Phatty :lol:

I mean..... people keep pythons in outdoor enclosures :rolleyes: Why do people think snakes are so fragile??? The wild ones around here dont have heat mats and uv lights and constant temps? They survive quite nicely. In moderate-warm climates like darwin, dont worry so much about heating/cooling.... just plenty of ventillation, plenty of water..... not in direct sunlight etc etc.... and enjoy low cost keeping of your snakes :lol:
ventilation may be the problem are the holes in the back enough?

Check me out in YouTube (username: TheReptileben
It should be but adding a big vent on the side of the cage up high is recommended
The holes in the back wouldnt provide any airflow, imo. A decent size vent on each side would be the go, I reckon :)

A vent up high on the warm end and a vent low on the cool end would create good airflow. You can get louvre grill type vents from bunnies purdy cheap :)
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