I wanna make an out door lizard pit!!I know i could use an avairy, but does anyone have any other ideas on how i could construct one?ny ideas at all.Thanks
Above ground swimming pool with netting on top? be sure of drainage though. Anything similar, half rainwater tank maybe.
Drainage is no1 priority along with security.(from preds)
Here is my outdoor pit it houses 1 bluey and 1 stumpy , It is half a water tank that has been buried in the ground about 1ft then filled in with dirt (has no bottom). It then has wire mesh stuff on one half and corigated sheet stuff across the other half . :roll: :?
My ex wife doesn't hehehehehehehe sorry coldn't resist Inny
I have one three made out of an old above ground swimming pool (SEE MY GALLERY) nothing flash but they seem to like it, I dug down about 600mm and lay down some mesh( to stop them digging out) and then on the smaller pit have a lid made out of about 1" square mesh to keep the cats etc out, on the bigger pit I leave it open in hope the next door neighbours cat gets in HEHEHE
You could try clark tanks or someone like that, when we were kids my mum rang them and asked for a half of a polyurethane tank to use as a swimming pool cos of all the cathead burrs we couldn't have an inflateable pool. it only cost her $90 delivered 130kms away from the warehouse.
some places that make the plastic rainwater tanks also make stock tanks somtimes they have seconds that they cant sell cause of defects and you can buy them quite cheap usally