im new to this

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New Member
Aug 12, 2008
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i have just bought my first spotted python is arond 300mm long can anybody give me any helpful feeding tips ie time weather or not to change enclosures anything at all cheers
Another horse before the cart. Try doing a search
calm down hes new
hey warren, just leave him in his enclosure defrost the pinky mouse in warm water and hold it with tongs on its back half then move it around a bit in front of ur spotted
hope this helps:)
Hey mate,
Use the search feature at the top of the page.
just type in a key word and.... hey presto.
That way you avoid all the agro, impatient , nasty.....ect people making crappy remarks.
they forget they started somewhere to!
If everyone searched no threads would be made, some new people might not even know how to use it, while the cranky people write there "search for it so many threads" bla bla bla, they could of sat down and wrote a helpful message insted of saying those things. I know, some things do get asked alot, but you have to put up with it, it doesn't take long to write a little paragraph. It seems that they will only say those things to noobies, seems the more "higher" up users get more of the feedback sometimes. *flame suit on*
Hi Warren. You can have a feeding tub if you want, but it's not crucial. I find my snakes are hunting at night, so that's when I feed them. Once a week will do for a little one. Make sure the temps are around 32-34 at the warm end so it can go there to digest.
Hey warren,
I have a 9 month old spotted who I feed in her enclosure as I wasn't too sure how she'd go with getting moved about with a full tummy and she has been fine!! Shes our first and only snake (for now) and I am still new to this myself but thats my opinion
Congrats on purchase
Oh and I feed her once she comes out of her hide in the afternoon but if she is still in her hide I just leave her until later... I am jumpy at feeding her so when she comes out I put it on the ground and let her get it, but my hubby has no probs with dangling it for her... She takes it either way
thankyou all im not only new to this but a first time user of this site not real good on computers so cheers for ypur helps
Hi Warren. You can have a feeding tub if you want, but it's not crucial. I find my snakes are hunting at night, so that's when I feed them. Once a week will do for a little one. Make sure the temps are around 32-34 at the warm end so it can go there to digest.

I found that my snake, diamond python at night wraps herself around a branch and is poised in strike position almost every night. Apparently this is normal during young ones and they grow out of it. ........mmmmmm what was the question????
I found that my snake, diamond python at night wraps herself around a branch and is poised in strike position almost every night. Apparently this is normal during young ones and they grow out of it. ........mmmmmm what was the question????
That's the hunting position. They are really ready to eat when sitting like that. If you want to handle her then, you will have an exciting time! (Snake hook helps a lot in that situation.)
I'm also new to this

Hey Everybody,
I'm new to this website and forum, and currently am clueless as to how it all works.
I'm looking forward to getting to chat to you all and hopefully you guys can all help me get more informaton.
Thanks all and happy to be here.
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