Imagine This in Australia and Across the Entire Globe

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Would you like the cities to become more green?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • No!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Would love it, but it'll probably never happen.

    Votes: 3 18.8%

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Nero Egernia

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
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I was finally able to watch Planet Earth II. It did not disappoint.

While I love David Attenborough and nature documentaries in general, I think I spent most of my time marveling at the cinematography. It was simply stunning. The editors and camera operators did a wonderful job.

Towards the end of the final episode "Cities", there was a sequence that showcased Gardens by the Bay in Singapore and other "greening" projects. To see this taking place gives me hope for the future. While it's not the perfect solution to habitat destruction, it's something. Imagine this taking place in Australian cities, across the globe even. Stark grey concrete jungles transformed into lush green paradises. Tall buildings overflowing with native flora endemic to the area. The cities just might support more wildlife. If nothing else it may clear up the atmosphere, reduce air pollution, facilitate a greater appreciation for the natural world among a population essentially cut off from it, even serve as an insurance for potentially endangered plant species.






Many will say I'm dreaming, but it's one I hope comes true.

What does everyone think? Would it work? Would you like the cities to become more green?
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Yes it looks so cool,I was awed by that episode too,surprising how it’s helped with some local reptiles too

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Having been to Singapore, they really have done some inspiring things. The city is spotless, you can't even chew gum in Singapore, do so and you're getting a fine. Don't even dare drop a cigarette butt or litter on the sidewalk. Australia, while leagues behind, in cleanliness and "greenness", the major cities are beginning to have a shift in attitude with Melbourne apparently leading the way with regards to reducing carbon emissions closely followed by Brisbane in becoming Australia's greenest and most sustainable live-in cities.
Having been to Singapore, they really have done some inspiring things. The city is spotless, you can't even chew gum in Singapore, do so and you're getting a fine. Don't even dare drop a cigarette butt or litter on the sidewalk. Australia, while leagues behind, in cleanliness and "greenness", the major cities are beginning to have a shift in attitude with Melbourne apparently leading the way with regards to reducing carbon emissions closely followed by Brisbane in becoming Australia's greenest and most sustainable live-in cities.
Have you got a source link? I’d love to read about it, but haven’t seen any changes in Melbourne to indicate a shift to greener thinking...
Have you got a source link? I’d love to read about it, but haven’t seen any changes in Melbourne to indicate a shift to greener thinking...
Really? I read a while back that Melbourne was leading the country. I was surprised myself. I thought it'd have been Adelaide or here where I live, Toowoomba. We're pretty green here.

I'll try to find it again.

Hi again @Smittiferous -
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I think @Nero Egernia pointed out the problem. We are so removed from nature and our effects on it. No one sees where are rubbish is ending up, heck some people living in a major city wont see a plant all day long.

Im always awed by the sky, it has the ability to look beautiful in so many different ways. From a starry night to a sunset. The other day we had an electrical storm at about 4 in the arvo. Next minute i look outside and its literally orange. Perhaps the most beautiful sky ive seen.

But I say these things and yet i hardly actually see the sky. Apart from walking to and from my car im almost exclusively under a roof.
I think @Nero EgerniaIm always awed by the sky, it has the ability to look beautiful in so many different ways. From a starry night to a sunset. The other day we had an electrical storm at about 4 in the arvo. Next minute i look outside and its literally orange. Perhaps the most beautiful sky ive seen.

But I say these things and yet i hardly actually see the sky. Apart from walking to and from my car im almost exclusively under a roof.
I am very thankful I grew up in the New England region of NSW, where they have the most picturesque sky transformations in the country. Living in Toowoomba, I still get to drive the New England Highway regularly right down through Tenterfield, Glenn Innes, Armidale, Uralla, it's simply stunning country and well captured in Luke Oshea's duet with Diana Corcoran ~ New England Sky.

[doublepost=1518913754,1518912903][/doublepost]Driving the New England, I always photograph the sky. Last trip back in October.
Near Glenn Innes - 5am

Thunderbolt's Way - 7am.
Awesome photos @Aussiepride83

I have a little ritual at work; if i walk outside i stop and take 10 seconds to look around at the sky, then i give it a rating out of 10.

I often finish at 6pm, there have been many 10 sunsets, the sky transitioning from golden orange at the skyline to a purple

There's an old bloke here in Toowoomba, he made the local paper a few years back, every morning for something like 12 years straight now, rain, hail or shine, he's at Picnic Point (looks down from the escarpment towards Brisbane) before dawn to photograph the sunrise. EVERY single day he does it. Reckons there's never any two sunrises that are remotely the same. Has had a lot of his work transformed to Canvas prints.

Just some random Picnic Point sunrise images.


Photography certainly is a great hobby to be in and the sky is probably a very underrated subject.
I am very thankful I grew up in the New England region of NSW, where they have the most picturesque sky transformations in the country. Living in Toowoomba, I still get to drive the New England Highway regularly right down through Tenterfield, Glenn Innes, Armidale, Uralla, it's simply stunning country and well captured in Luke Oshea's duet with Diana Corcoran ~ New England Sky.

[doublepost=1518913754,1518912903][/doublepost]Driving the New England, I always photograph the sky. Last trip back in October.
Near Glenn Innes - 5am
View attachment 323304

Thunderbolt's Way - 7am.
View attachment 323305

That's not a sky...
This is a sky!

Taken this week before a storm near Jimboomba.
@Aussiepride83 that second photo is a 10.

Perfectly illustrates the transition from golden orange to that deep purple...velvet?

Sorry if this thread got a bit off topic :/
[doublepost=1518918353,1518918121][/doublepost]@Scutellatus i reckon thats the same day i was talking about above. I live on the gold coast so its likely!

How insane was it, there was like an ambience of orange everywhere. I remember looking at my window and there was a glow behind the blinds, i was like wtf is going on outside. Could hardly believe my eyes when i opened the blinds.

Its interesting though that i never really take photos, never been into photography
That's not a sky...
This is a sky!
View attachment 323314
Taken this week before a storm near Jimboomba.
Nothing spectacular about the colours in that. Pretty uniform. The dust storm we had back in 2011 (I think it was) produced better colours.

I'll take the New England any day.
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Here's some very old photos of sunsets on the Stirling Ranges I took as a kid. Was still learning proper composition then, haha.

Original sunsetaps.jpg






I hope Australia one day becomes as clean as Singapore, litter wise. It's disgusting how people dump their rubbish everywhere. I was at the Mount Barker Hill Lookout the other day and there was broken glass scattered everywhere across the rocks.
Here's some very old photos of sunsets on the Stirling Ranges I took as a kid. Was still learning proper composition then, haha.

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I hope Australia one day becomes as clean as Singapore, litter wise. It's disgusting how people dump their rubbish everywhere. I was at the Mount Barker Hill Lookout the other day and there was broken glass scattered everywhere across the rocks.
that first image is probably the best sunset/sunrise picture I've seen in this thread.
@Aussiepride83 that second photo is a 10.

Perfectly illustrates the transition from golden orange to that deep purple...velvet?

Sorry if this thread got a bit off topic :/
[doublepost=1518918353,1518918121][/doublepost]@Scutellatus i reckon thats the same day i was talking about above. I live on the gold coast so its likely!

How insane was it, there was like an ambience of orange everywhere. I remember looking at my window and there was a glow behind the blinds, i was like wtf is going on outside. Could hardly believe my eyes when i opened the blinds.

Its interesting though that i never really take photos, never been into photography
Most likely was Nerd, it was an awesome looking sky, definitely beats the usual drab looking sky photos.
That photo was taken with my phone, I have always had an interest in photography but have never gotten around to getting a decent quality camera to pursue it properly.
Here's some very old photos of sunsets on the Stirling Ranges I took as a kid. Was still learning proper composition then, haha.

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I hope Australia one day becomes as clean as Singapore, litter wise. It's disgusting how people dump their rubbish everywhere. I was at the Mount Barker Hill Lookout the other day and there was broken glass scattered everywhere across the rocks.
Great photos.

Imagine Australia as clean as singapore... Not just physical litter wise, if you're caught involved in a public argument with someone in the street in Singapore, you are fined $5,000 no questions asked, whether you're at fault or not. There'd be no more car park rage here in AUS if that was enforced!
Here's some very old photos of sunsets on the Stirling Ranges I took as a kid. Was still learning proper composition then, haha.

View attachment 323317
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View attachment 323322

I hope Australia one day becomes as clean as Singapore, litter wise. It's disgusting how people dump their rubbish everywhere. I was at the Mount Barker Hill Lookout the other day and there was broken glass scattered everywhere across the rocks.
Still learning proper composition?
I think you had it nailed even at that age Kayla!
I especially like the fourth shot. It reminds me of the Japanese flag,
The land of the rising sun.
A few weekends ago after a full 2 days on the roof with the Milwaukee rattle gun and 1,351 roofing screws later, it was good to sit down with a beer and watch the sun set. Just Samsung Galaxy S8 nothing fancy but I love the colours in a sun set sky.

[doublepost=1518921308,1518921035][/doublepost]@Nero Egernia I'd be interested to see any good photographs of rainbows that you've captured if any? I've snapped a few gems in the past but again, only with mobile phone cams. I'd love to see proper professional photography grade rainbow pics.
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