Import regulations western australia

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Not so new Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Hi Guys, have been out of the reptile world for a while, left Qld 2 years ago after havingto sell my 4 pythons as I was moving to perth and was unable to import them due to the restrictions on pythons over here. Just about to make my enclosure as I am looking to buy a bearded dragon soon. WOW not a huge range of supplies or breeders here. I know I cant import pythons from over east but I am looking into what species i can import into WA. If anyone knows of a good contact over this way that would be awesome also any info on import of reptiles into Wa would be great, glad to be back:D :D
y cant u import reptiles into wa? its not like animals cant cross the border willingly.

y cant u import reptiles into wa? its not like animals cant cross the border willingly.


They dont let reptiles buy plane tickets without state approval and its a long way to run especially if you dont have legs or google maps and weather websites to spot suitable habitat thousands of km's away. Plenty of herps from eastern Australia could form feral populations over there, while many are similar in some ways there is still potential for some to cause problems, much like importing animals from overseas.
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