Hey, guys my girlfriend recently saved a jacky dragon probably bout a year old...
It was being eaten by a cat... we have nursed him back the best possible health he can be at, but i still don't think he will do well in the wild as we are feeding him with tongs on small crickets he can eat fine just not good at the catching part the jackys tail as u no is a large one and this poor fellas is gone and his front left leg doesnt move properly. Is there like a place u can register them so i can keep him as i have other lizards and plenty of spare room... and we dont mind having to look after him
It was being eaten by a cat... we have nursed him back the best possible health he can be at, but i still don't think he will do well in the wild as we are feeding him with tongs on small crickets he can eat fine just not good at the catching part the jackys tail as u no is a large one and this poor fellas is gone and his front left leg doesnt move properly. Is there like a place u can register them so i can keep him as i have other lizards and plenty of spare room... and we dont mind having to look after him