Introducing a new beardie

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Active Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Hey all,

Just wondering, how hard/easy is it to introduce a new beardie in with an already established 18 month old male?? My beardie now is about 38cm, and almost certainly male. He's very placid but i don't know how that would change around another beardie. The tank is 4 1/2 ft. So it possible to introduce another?? And if so..any advice?

Thanks, Sarah
They don't actually get 'lonely' if that's what you're thinking.
It would have to be a female, definitely. 4 1/2 ft - make sure they've got plenty of ground room to move away from each other. They would also need to be monitored closely for a few days, & then thereafter re whether one is the dominant & bullying the other.
its not for lonliness...its just more that i want to expand my collection and i wanted to know if it was possible to put them in the same enclosure. if its a female though, will they definitely breed?? because i don't know that i want to be breeding them.. =S
i had a male and a female together since they were 3 weeks old (last november), and the female has just started fighting the male, so he wasn't allowed to bask, so he wouldn't eat etc... i then separated them and now the male is back to normal, eating, basking etc... but a friend has 2 together with no problems, so i think it is all just individual behaviours, some are more relaxed than others... so try it, but be prepared for maybe having to separate them.
Yep, chances are they'll breed.
Chances with 2 males is they'll fight - are u willing to take the risk????
Can u maybe get another enclosure to go with the expansion?
i will consider another enclosure. but its not that im against breeding them its just that i dont know how. and i here its very expensive...
If u post pics of the vent area, we may be able to sex him/her - 2 females are easier to house together, but still not certain re whether they'll fight/dominate, so need to be prepared for a new enclosure....
Check out as well
im mostly certain that 'he's' male but i will post pics. thanks
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