Is she gravid?????

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Not so new Member
Apr 20, 2009
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summer hill
i have a coastal that started breeding on the 8/8/09, and continued for untill the 15/9/09 weeks after that, she has gained some weight and i can see a slight bump here and there, but in general i would have thought she would be much bigger by now and we would have been seeing more of the eggs, im thinking it may actualy be a phantom pregnancy, does anyone know if she should be showing definante swelling and eggs shapes by now i know it takes between 21-30 for the prelay shed ect, she is looking a tiny bit like she is going into a shed cycle.
i have a coastal that started breeding on the 8/8/09, and continued for untill the 15/9/09 weeks after that, she has gained some weight and i can see a slight bump here and there, but in general i would have thought she would be much bigger by now and we would have been seeing more of the eggs, im thinking it may actualy be a phantom pregnancy, does anyone know if she should be showing definante swelling and eggs shapes by now i know it takes between 21-30 for the prelay shed ect, she is looking a tiny bit like she is going into a shed cycle.

the friend i bought her off tried breeding last year but she didnt take.
well what you've said seem about right, and she should start getting lumpier after her pre lay shed about a week after she sheds. after she's shed you willbe looking at roughly 32 days could be earlier could be latter for her to lay.

I only started noticing the eggs growing and her becoming lumpy this week and she pre layed last week. however was thicker and showing swelling for a month before pre lay.

so timing sound's pretty good to me. do you have any pictures?
I was trying to breed this girl of mine for 2 years before I got success but my problem was the male I had was too big and to lazy. maybe he had two females and didn't relise it or his male didn't know what he was doing or she was too young.
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