Is there something wrong with my saw shell?

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Not so new Member
Jul 29, 2009
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Hey guys, I bought a baby saw shell turtle today and i put it in the tank with my Murray short neck, my short necks pretty active but my saw shell just sits at the bottom doing nothing, only moving when i feed it or when its coming up to breath. Is their something wrong with my saw shell?
where can i get myself a saw shell turtle in Adelaide does anyone know, i would love to put one in the tank with my croc.
Hey guys, I bought a baby saw shell turtle today and i put it in the tank with my Murray short neck, my short necks pretty active but my saw shell just sits at the bottom doing nothing, only moving when i feed it or when its coming up to breath. Is their something wrong with my saw shell?
i would say its scared , give it time to get used everything .
u know u shouldnt have put it straight in with the other turtle , it should have been put in quarrintine . for atleast 30 days to make sure there was no issues with it .
Hey Zoojas the other turtle was in the same tank as the saw shell at the pet shop :)
thanks for the information
I agree wiith zoojas, just a bit scared of the new tank. Have you got lots of plants he can hide in?

Hey guys, thanks for the info, my saw shell seems to be getting along with the other turtle now, even sleeps next to the short neck.
yeah some times it just takes time to settle in
where abouts did you get your saw shell turtle im trying to chase one down in adelaide but am having trouble.
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