Is this weird ??

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Not so new Member
Oct 23, 2007
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Just wondering if anyone have had experince in snakes that return to them. I have a Darwin Carpet Python that when put in the middle of the yeard with trees and all but she comes looking for me and climbs up my leg to get to me rather than climb a tree. Is my snake a freak or has anyone else out there share my experince ?
Are there any trees closer that are as wide an easy to climb than you are? I think the most likely explanation is that you are wanting your snake to recognize you so you are in a way choosing to believe that your snake will return to you. I think if you stood amongst the trees and did the same thing she would be just as likely to climb you as she would any other tree.
i havent personally and a lot of people will state that its just a coincidence, however for arguments sake - if a python is crawling around your backyard if it can smell you and doesnt frequent the backyard all the time i could believe that a snake would climb you as opposed to trees which smell it doesnt recognise. if this is the case it must associate your smell with safety as you would hold it fairly reguarly id imagine and is comfortable in your presence. just throwing in an idea honestly dont have a clue lol
yeh whenever i have my stimmi out and shes cruisin around she wiggles her way to the side of the room im on and crawls into my pocket or up my leg, shes like it too if someone new is handling her, the second i come near her she tries to get from the other person to me, id like to say its because she thinks im special hehe but yeh, i agree with tomcat, the smell of us is probably associated with the feeling of being secure =)
na when i put my water python on the grass she follows me and she comes back
My olives often follow me when out on the grass. I use to think I was just in their way but realise they would turn to follow me. But it is nothing more than the fact they seem to not like the grass and climb up my legs and up onto my shoulders - then they will sit there enjoying the sun for as long as I want to stand still with them. I would like to think I am loved by my snakes but :lol: sadly they were just using me as a tree.
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