keepng a snake in summer

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Not so new Member
Aug 4, 2009
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hey everyone, i was thinking about summer and how this heat would affect the temps in a snake enclosure, last summer melbourne reached temps up to 40c how do i avoid over heating, my house gets awlful hot & stuffy and i cant have an aircon running round the clock while i'm at work, my bill would be huge. what do i do??? thanks in advance.
During the day the thermostat should keep any heating down, if you use lamps they should remain off until it cools down. Just make sure they have plenty of water and what i have done before is just periodically opened the enclosure to help with ventalation
If you have an enclosure that allows for an effective temp gradient you shuld be ok. Make sure your heat source is hooked up to a thermostat and is at one end of the enclosure and the other end allows the snake to move away from the heat when it needs too.
You should have a couple of vents on the enclosure, also thermostats will tell you what it is in the enclosure, keep that to a reasonable level and you'll be fine. Give your snake plenty of places to hide and cool water as has been mentioned....find out what temps your snake needs and adjust the enclosure to suit its needs. I know it all sounds terribly complicated.....when I started I got so stressed and confused I nearly gave up...but 4 months down the track and it's all fitted into'll be fine....just ask as many questions as you like, no one will get sick of your questions, we just want to help. I'm not very experienced, but some on this site are and will help you a lot.

cheers, Annie
thermometer or thermostat so you can actually tell the temp. Plenty of water, plenty of ventilation
I've wondered the same thing too, (+40C temps in Sydney last summer). I'm actually taking advantage of the government $1600 rebate on roof insulation, so hopefully that will lower the temps in the house (something for nothing, how good is that!!)
Also getting air con, but that will not be on constantly.
My house faces west, so in summer the hottest part of the day is on the front of the house, and my stimmie is in the lounge....apart from the bedroom, the hottest room in the house. I do have air conditioning, but only the evaporative kind, and we also have insulation in the roof.
But let's remember these animals would be out in the extreme temps if they were in the wild. Under my patio it easily gets 42+c in summer....we have a very dry heat here, not that I know if that makes any difference to anything.

I live in Melbourne too. What's wrong with having a pedastal fan circulating air around?

As others have stated using thermostats to regualte temp will ensure that they are not on when it is too hot anwyay. Get yourself a good hygrometer. They will tell you temps and humidity and The Herp Shop sells them from memory.
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