Lest we forget

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Almost Legendary
Mar 29, 2006
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I would just like to thank ALL service ppl who have contrubuted to our nations efforts over our nations history. With special mention to those who served in vietnam, korea and the middle east. You are what makes our country what is is today without you we are nothing, we salute you with highest respect.
I second that. I'll be heading to petrie parade tommorow to watch my 85 year old grandfather march (he faught for us in world war ll). The sad part is these guys won't be here for ever so lets let them know how thankful we are for what they done!!!
Lest we forget

Today is also the day in which i celebrate 17 years since my birth:)
This day of days again we keep -
In memory of those who sleep
Away beyond the quiet sea.....
Away in far Gallipolli.

'Tis Anzac Day - 'tis Anzac Day..
Our soldier comrades far away,
They died in war - that we in peace
May live and love that war may cease.

Lest we forget...

*There was no credit with this otherwise I would have included it...*
my grandad is here with us from NZ atm, he fought in WWII and has just been to his 1st dawn service in years
am heading into the city this morning to watch my brother and his mates march as they have been to the middle east, and also my girlfriends grandfather who served in WWII.

Its fantastic that we have this day to remember what we would otherwise push to the back of our minds and forget.
my grandad was buried 6 yrs ago today. :):) definetely a day of rememberance
Lest We Forget.

My Grandad died 2 years after being a POW in Changhi for 4 years. RIP.
Rest in peace Pop and all your mates who did us proud, Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.
God bless.

Today is a great day in our history and one we should never, ever forget. To all those people who disapprove of letting kids be involved in such celebrations as today I say "PPPPPFFFFFFFTTTT" to you.
i went to the best dawn service i have ever been to this morning. at the beach at bargara. the sound of the pipe band in the distance, as they got closer to the beaufort bomber memorial the sight of proud ex-service men and women marching, some displaying medals some not. all worthy of medals though. young army and navy cadets and school kids, a few tributes, a hymn, a poem to make the eyes swell a bit. then to add to it all a flypast of a world war ll p51 mustang and then the chilling sounds of three iroquois helicopters flying in and hovering above the beach before fying over the service. that followed by the the the last post just blew me away.

an anzac poem.

sir,would it help if i shed a tear
i swear its the first time since this time last year
my spine is a tingle- my throat is all dry
as i stand to attention for all those that died
i watch the flag dancing half way down the pole
that damn bugle player sends chills to my soul
feel the pride and the sorrow- there's nothing the same
as standing to attention on ANZAC Day
so sir- on behalf of the young and the free
will you take a message when you finally do leave
to your mates that are lying from tobruk to the somme
the legend of your bravery will always live on
i've welcomed olympians back to our shore
i've cheered baggy green caps and watched wallabies score
but when i watch you marching sir in that parade
i know these are the memories that will never fade
so sir- on behalf of the young and the free
will you take a message when you finally do leave
it's the least we can do sir- to repay the debt
we will always remember you-LEST WE FORGET.

i do not know who wrote the poem but it moved me as does anzac day.
just thought i would share it with you.

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