Let's argue about terrorism! And do it in the right place

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2003
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George Bush was right.

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This thread was split from another topic as it was way off topic and breached almost every rule of the site!

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Sorry I got distracted, what are we looking for? Everyone knows about Saddams missing tampax.
Can everyone just get over this whole Saddam thing??!!
I think I speek for most of the people to. At least for Greebo I am sure, and he is majority straight after Watso.
LOL I forgot Mr Sob I.
If you say so Wattso. How many Iranians did die from Iraqi slaughter?
Well Krim, you posted a comment in a forum and then had the audacity to claim you speak for most people. That ************ is an invitation to comment. As to the mate. In the first instance it was used as "hey let me explain type of mate" then you used it as a "I dont know who you are but my opinion is better than yours " type of thing where as my MATE is meant as a complete and total insult and is what people use just before they go the nut. In this case only in a cybersense of course.
Now the point that you appeared to overlook in the intial is that the picture is funny. I laughed and most of the peopel at work I sent it round to laughed. You didnt. Or did you but because you'd alraedy seen it you could play holier than though.
Get a sense of humouror grow old and have no friends.
And yeah, saddam is an evil bastard and the Yanks gave him all the support he needed because they hated Iran more then they hated him.
Many countries sell other countries weaponry, America is but one of a list of em,even hypocritical would be hippies France. George senior coulda gone in and got rid of Saddam back then just like you said, but didn't have the balls cause of media outrage, young Bushy wushy does have the nuts and good on him. Saddam got what was coming so stop moping about it. Many people in rich countries like us enjoy the luxury of being amateur philosophers but you live off the fat of war so who are you to preach, think about it.
The Iraq war obviously, you can tell by the Steve Irwin photo in the first post.
Greebo said:
What's this thread about again?

hahaha lmfao greebo, its all your fault mate, I was definately thinking of crimes against humanity when I posted that one...

and leave adulthood alone, HE IS MY MATE.....
I do enjoy hearing your opinion Wattso, which is why I continued the conversation when you disagreed with mine. If I thought your opinion worthless then I would just right you off as one more lost leftie and not bother conversing.
I wasnt clear enough. George bush was right to depose saddams regim. YES. I dont think he was right, for instance to cluster bomb or "carpet bomb" so much non military infrastructure. I'm aware that America claimed that iraq was hiding military hardware in such places, including weapons of mass destruction, but these allegations werein the end proven false. I question the justification of the deaths of so many civilians, "just in case". It just strikes me that the worlds most powerful military force, could not do a cleaner job than they did.
They have satelites capable of seeing something the size of a basketball from space and god knows what other advanced hardware, yet they choose to simply bomb the **** out of iraq from the air. George must have been really embarrest he couldnt even catch Osama bin laden, who was afterall, the original target in the "war against terrorism". seems like deposing another dictator, [saddam] was to save face after all bushs retoric about "war on terrorism" after sep11 and failing to capture the real no1 culprit.
Just my thoughts. :D
You make it sound like the war on terrorism is over and the yanks failed to catch Bin Laden. They are still hunting him and the war on terrorists and terrorist states is just beginning. Better get used to it cause nothing you complain about is going to stop it.
Thing is Parko, "war on terrorism" is going nowhere, even if they do catch Osama and his militia. "terrorism" is a mentality, you cant have a war on mentality with any amount of bombs! there will always be more Osamas. The "war" has to be fought via education about racial tolerance, religious tolerance, and fought in our schools and neighbourhoods, internationally. teach kids these things and they do not grow up to be terrorist and "terrorism" dies out eventually. The whole idea of a "military war on terrorism" is absurd! It would never end, osama teaches osama jnr and he teaches his son , and so on , and on.
Yes ,use military force to bring down dictators, Yes use military for to prevent and stop "ACTS" of terrorism, but you cant win a war on terrorism with guns and bombs!........unless you want to nuke every islamic country! :D
Nazism is a mentality too, should we have let it run loose? the only way to stop Islamic militants is with a bullet, they dont care about peace. You are dreaming of a world which exists only in fairy land.
There is clearly a difference Parko. The nazi party was a german government regime , not just a mental;ity, it was backed by official policy [and we DID let it run loose, 6 million jews ring a bell] You can shoot all the islamic militants you like, but without changing the attitude of those people, you fight a losing battle. The terrorist enemy however is anyone who militant OR civilian who shares the ideals and cares to make a bomb, or hijack a plane, ANYONE, of any race or creed, or nationality, not only people of islamic persuasion. For instance, the unabomber, and that ex marine timothy macviey *spell
who blew up a gov building with a powerful car bomb, they were terrorist, too. A terrorist is not an islamic person wearing a turban and carrying a machine gun, thats a cliche, a terrorist is any unknown quantity with like intent. how can you win a war with an enemy you cant predict? will you shoot anyone who to you, "looks" like a terrorist? How will you find them? its not like they wear big bright badges saying "I'm an islamic militant terrorist, and proud of it!" where will you stop? do you want to eradicate islamic peoples entirely? Thats nazi mentality parko, you better organise some cattle cars mate. :D
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