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Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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New Member
Oct 18, 2008
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Hey guys i've just recently joined the Aussie pythons forum and was wondering if i would be able to get a few questions answered.

I am looking to give my 4 year old coastal python away to a good caring home, but have just realized i have lost track of my recreational wildlife license and record book. Is this legal to give/sell my python away without a license? and if not, does anyone know who i would have to contact to retrieve my information?
you will need your license details, if you have lost them then you should contact your government body incahrge of licensing, such as the EPA in queensland or the NPWS in NSW
if your in nsw just contact NPWS and they will sort it out. you will need your details to give to whom ever you give you snake to, and you will need their details to record in your record book. if your in sydney and looking for a good home for your snake, theres 1 here. pm me if your looking for a home
Thanks guys ill get right on getting my info back, but knowing how long it took to originally get it, it could take over a month. I currently reside in QLD, Brisbane, Woolloongabba and would prefer to give my python to an experienced handler and a good home, in person. My python is in good health, eats regularly with no history of disease or refusal to eat. But i am yet to have him/her sex tested.

If anyone who matches the criteria above and would like to care for my python, please message me on these forums or call me on my mobile (0400 702 713).

- Nick Pullos
Thanks to everyone who replied or contacted me with taking in my python, the response was overwhelming. I had to choose carefully for what i thought was the best choice on my pythons behalf.

Thanks again to everyone who offered themselves and there homes to look after this fantastic creature.
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