live or dead mealworms?

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Not so new Member
Aug 21, 2008
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hi, i have heard not to feed live mealworms because they can eat their way through lizards stomachs or something, is this true?
No, once they are in the stomach the acid tends to take care of them.

However meal worms should not be the staple diet for reptiles because their hard shell can build up inside its digestive system.
Mealworms have hard to digest exoskeletons, and high levels of phosphorus, which can drain an animals calcium levels through digestion, also high in fat... Far from an ideal food for reptiles.
My little mate Lizzy the wild house skink loves live mealworms, and is very happy to take them from between my fingers and off my open hand.

I'm limiting her to no more than 2 medium mealworms per day, she'll eat one go and warm up a bit and have a nap while watching me and come back and beg me another.

She also likes them dead, there is always a couple dead worms waiting for her on her food treat "dish". If she's playing hidies and keeping a low profile , these disappearing tells us we either a mouse or Lizzy's been around and discovered them.

She's very interested in live crickets, but just watches them in the bottle and wont go inside it to get them. I think it's more curious and fascinted by them then anything else, she's too well fed perhaps.
Not tried hand feeding her a live cricket yet, but I know she likes them dead, scoffs them them down with gusto just like the cockroaches she finds. LOVES them.

Best way to hold a live cricket is by the hind legs ? anyone hand feeding live crickets to their skinks or other lizards, how do manage it ?
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