I did not think that they had fire fighters (at least Rural) in Vic & just let the state burn LOL.
Sorry not a very nice joke, but at least in Qld we do a bit To help ourselves that is with control burning & fire breaks etc.
Do they teach you any of that? or is it more city fire brigade?
Whoooooah there. You're the one who's thingo says "don't believe everything you hear and read"...
I grew up in victoria. We did burning off and made firebreaks EVERY year. As did everyone. We were taught to deal with fires by the time we knew what a fire was. However. The government, and other people, now say that burning off is damaging the environment, and have stopped people from doing it. I have no doubt many people would be doing it if they could. As well as clearing fire breaks (but we're no longer allowed to cut down trees).
The bushfires burned too fast and too hot. It went from the equivalent of the NSW border to Toowoomba in one afternoon. There is no way to fight that.
The government are learning. Cattle are now allowed to graze in areas of the high country again, to keep weeds and undergrowth under control. Eventually, hopefully, burning off and clearing land for firebreaks will be allowed again too.
Believe me, there were MANY firefighters out there fighting those fires. Many of them are there every year, burning off, controlling outbreaks, working.
Also, I currently live in Queensland, and for the last few weeks there have been so many fires around my area I can barely see to drive through the smoke to go home from uni some days. Pretty sure they aren't just "burning off".