Members please behave

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Looks like some people do not appreciate all the hard work and financial support we are putting in to this community. To accuse SJ to neglect things is bit unfair. It is hard for the boy to study for half yearly exams and keep eye on everything in one time. We will nominate moderators for chat and arrange things properly in the future. Regarding people who are getting out of hands other step would have to be taken if that will not stop.
I will definitely advice people who like to pick up fights to leave our community.
Sorry SJ if we have hassled you a bit too much lately...
And the best of luck in your half-yearly exams :)
Yes indeed S.J. all the very best with ya half yearlys though I am sure a smart young lad like you will just sail through them :)
:p Luck c'mon this is SJ where talken bout nothen less than 90% im expecting :wink: If i was lucky i would fool mum that i was sick,most times as luck would have it the nurse was next door.Goodluck sj dont study to hard you might create an overload. :p
Slatey - I think you need to take your own advice and behave. First you insult Popp's picture..... because it looked like it was beating yours? The you release the details of someones private voting on a public forum because you were wrong and people had voted for it. I'm not arguing that popp's pic was the front runner, I understand that it was stuffed up but do you understand how insulting you have been and you are one of the admins of this site? Someone people will take their cues off as to how to behave here. I know that you support this site financially and with your time, you tell us often enough, but that doesn't give you the right to be high handed and insulting especially while telling people to behave with regards to questioning why someone who was being insulting was being allowed to post here.
Hey, it's my opinion and I'm sure you can dig up some dirt to post about me to prove to people that I'm wrong.....
deary me :roll:
If I could only rattle off a list of nasty sh*t that's occurred on this site and just how tolerable Sir Slatey and Sir Junior have been ...
But hey .. who am I to comment, must be like running a bloody asylum for the two sirs eh .. :cry:
Thank you Spilota_chic, and yes Magpie, you are absolutely right.

I would also like to mention that I didn't mean to upset popp, he is a well valued member. I only meant to mention the photo is out of focus and I am sorry, because he doesn't deserve any nastiness. I thought that he took it well and didn't realise he was that disturbed by my comments.

Before you had even wrote the message, I had already removed my photo because I had forseen this sort of backfire and accusations. Obviously my judgement of human nature was correct.

About the voting privacy, I would like you to point out to me when we EVER metioned that voting statistics would remain private. We are not obliged to keep these hidden and we have never promised this either. Even so, I wouldn't have revealed this information if what was mentioned about someone's voting was correct. I don't feel that the members of the site should be mislead by another member inaccurately quoting someone elses votes.

Once again, I am sorry to popp and I hope that everything is explained and we will not have to re-explore this subject.

I guess that rules out ever running another competition on this site. Competition does the stragest thing to human emotion.
I think you might be missing my point. This all could have been done without posting a public rubbishing of someone elses photo. You did not simply point out it's lack of focus, you basically said it had no chance and the fact that it was leading meant there was something wrong. I mean, you live with SJ, you could have knocked on his bedroom door and said "Adam, could you check the comp, I think something is wrong." I don't really think you did it because you weren't winning, that was just how it looked, don't remove your photo please.

And no, you never said the votes would remain private. Just like you never said you wouldn't give everyones email to spam lists. Some things are assumed.

I will say no more on this topic, I just think it could have been handled lots better. :(
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