Very Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,
What is the best way to get a six month old Bredli onto rats, or when should I try to get her on rats?
She is currently on fuzzy mice and is growing nicely, she should be coming up to a shed soon as she has grown heaps since she has been here.
Anyway, both of my other snakes are on rats and I heard it was more nutritious for them to be on rats?
I have tried to do 2 things:
1. I have tried to put a small pinky rat in with her fuzzy to defrost, then tried her with the pinky first, she lunged at it, then flew back into the S position, she is quite scared of the pinky rats? Anyway, she ended up eating her fuzzy that I defrosted.
2. I have tried to leave her for a few weeks so she is quite hungry and try her then, still to no avail. She still loves her fuzzy mice.
Should I wait until she gets older so she can be having fuzzy rats as I have also heard they are alot more nutritious then pinkies or velvets?
Or is there a method that I can try?
Thank you
Edit - Also there is no big rush in getting her on rats, its just her fuzzy mice are nearly finished and wasnt sure what to do next, except maybe up her feed to hoppers. If she wont eat them then mice it is, I am just interested to know what people think.
What is the best way to get a six month old Bredli onto rats, or when should I try to get her on rats?
She is currently on fuzzy mice and is growing nicely, she should be coming up to a shed soon as she has grown heaps since she has been here.
Anyway, both of my other snakes are on rats and I heard it was more nutritious for them to be on rats?
I have tried to do 2 things:
1. I have tried to put a small pinky rat in with her fuzzy to defrost, then tried her with the pinky first, she lunged at it, then flew back into the S position, she is quite scared of the pinky rats? Anyway, she ended up eating her fuzzy that I defrosted.
2. I have tried to leave her for a few weeks so she is quite hungry and try her then, still to no avail. She still loves her fuzzy mice.
Should I wait until she gets older so she can be having fuzzy rats as I have also heard they are alot more nutritious then pinkies or velvets?
Or is there a method that I can try?
Thank you
Edit - Also there is no big rush in getting her on rats, its just her fuzzy mice are nearly finished and wasnt sure what to do next, except maybe up her feed to hoppers. If she wont eat them then mice it is, I am just interested to know what people think.
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