Mice Vs. Rats?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
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Just thought I'd seek peoples opinions on which is a better food source for young pythons, or are they both the same in nutritional value?

Mice Vs. Rats?
You want to get them on Rats asap, my pythons feed on rats if they can but occasionally i feed them mice also, out of my 5 i only have one that i am having trouble with eating Rats but ill get there, i also feed my Bhp chicken necks now that i know he will eat them but thats occasionally, apparently its good cause it has less fat???? correct me if im wrong.
So your diamonds are on rats? How old where they when you got them on rats?
Well ours is currently on fuzzy mice.. I'm not concern with the cost per rodent, most so the nutritional value it will get from it.

Our bredli has been feeding on both with no drama!
My diamonds are 8 months they were born in feb consumed there first rat in may, i still feed them fuzzie mice tho because there is a big jump from pinky rat to fuzzie rat and i think fuzzie mice are a little bit bigger them pinky rats so ive been feeding them to up there size to get them on fuzzie rats
And by reading past post rats are more nutritionist, what i wanna know is how often can i feed chicken necks and/or whether i can feed a chicken neck and rodent in the same feed just out of curiosity as i do sometimes feed rats and mice in the same feed
I ocassionally feed my bigger Carpets and BHP on chicken necks-drumsticks once every 3-4weeks,other than that rats,i generally feed them 2 med-large rats compared to extra large as the fat content is alot more.With most species its better to get them onto rats as soon as you can,some Antaresia people feed theirs Mice all their lives and dont bother putting them onto rats.Imo i wouldnt think a 9month old Diamond would have much trouble downing a fuzzy rat,each to there own...MARK
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