mites!!! (update)

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Not so new Member
Mar 26, 2009
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since i started treating everything 4 or so weeks ago im thinking im winning.

okay evry thing hase been treated at least 2 time. i did my darwin for a 3rd time and noticed her rubbing her face/eyes on every thing. i let her go for a bit and then got concernd . i grabed her and had a look couldnt see any on her but in the crease around her eys i saw 1 or 2 whats the go do i just keep nuking em wit T.O.D??? how long do i keeo this going. are there any chances the ones in her eyes are dead ones from the last 2 treatments???
maybe try putting a tub of water in her enclosure and let her soak in it, as this is what a snake in the wild does to get rid of mites! Also i'd be real careful when using mite products they can sometimes be lethal!! anyway give that a shot and see how ya go!! :)
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