Movement advice help please

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Active Member
Sep 17, 2008
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Hey everyone
just a few questions i want to know about the online movement advice cuz im confused as hell

ok so i want to get a python sent up from NSW but im not sure witch part goes where
has anyone els from QLD bought a snake from another state that can give me a few pointers

witch parts do i send to the seller and when?
do i need to have a date filled in the box that says "date movement to be commenced" or can i leave that blank untill i recieve the snake ?
the movement advice number is the date on the print out?

any help would be Very appreciated



Movement advices [qld.]

This new print out [4 copies] has printed on each copy where it goes [allow 2-3 weeks delay when dealing with the cockroaches [n.s.w.]...cheers solar 17
..If u r the buyer, theres no need for MA, only need to provide details/license no to the seller...
Seller should have the relevant MA from his state..
Sender in NSW will apply for an export permit.You will need to fill out a movement advice.The sender doesn't need a copy of your advice but the MA number should be given so it can go on the export permit.
on the papers i got is says this
"seller must sign except if purchased from an interstate source then the buyer must sign"
and on the front page point 2 it says
"it is the responsibility of the person selling or giving away the wildlife to fill in the movement advice (except when the seller is in another state, in which case it is the Queensland buyer's responsibility) "

part 1:return to ecoaccess
part 2:accompany the wildlife in transit
part3:return to ecoaccess by buyer/receiver
part4:kept by seller

but being my first movement advice ive had to fill out im not sure what goes where when if that makes sense :S

like do i send off part 2 and 4 to the seller b4 he sends the snake or ?

gah :S :S :S
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Sender in NSW will apply for an export permit.You will need to fill out a movement advice.The sender doesn't need a copy of your advice but the MA number should be given so it can go on the export permit.

ohhhhhhhh i think i got it now

so i fill out my MA and send the relevent ones off to epa but do i still have to send off part 2 and 4 to the seller ?
also being the electronic movement advice is the MA number just the date and time printed?

if so how do i set it out
eg: 9/10/2008 6:24:58 pm
or 910200862458pm ???
..If u r the buyer, theres no need for MA, only need to provide details/license no to the seller...
Seller should have the relevant MA from his state..

You need to have a movement advice every time you move a reptile. you are buying/selling interstate, both people need copies of the relevant movement advices from both states.

for example, in your case stelth, you need to send 2 copies of the QLD movement advice to the seller, who sends one back with the reptile, and then send 2 copies into the EPA (one being the one that came with the reptile, that you have to sign before returning). You also need to keep a copy of the permit the seller sends to you from their state. (you don't need to send a copy of this to the EPA, just keep it with your records)

Yes, the number for the electronic MA is the date and time of printing.
M.a's [qld]

l always insist on a copy [intersrate export / import ][scanned & e-mailed] faxed] posted] so as you have proof of a bonifide deal, if the deal is legit why should they object one has for me yet and yes you are right onus and proof is your responsibility l cant imagine an epa personal excepting the line someone on aps told me...cheers solar 17
If the seller in in another state it is NOT necessary to post them a copy of your movement advice.Just supply the movement advice number which they will write on their export application.
Thx a mill for all the help guys and girls but one last Q
do i need to put a date in the box "date movement to be commenced" or do i leave that blank till i get a confirmation from the seller then write it in ?
my daughter and i purchased 2 pythons from ramsey about one month ago in nsw. we rang the epa in brisbane and got 2 different answers. in the end we got a movement advise and provided this to the seller with our epa licence number. but before you€ do this just make sure that the seller has an export permitt first. no use depositing money if the person is not licenced or has no export permit. keep a copy of the export permit for your self and send one off to the epa. the export permit which should be sent to you with the snakes, remember to ask for a receipt of sale too. send the export permit with 2 copies of your movement advice to the epa. all should be sweet. remember an export permit can take 2 weeks sometimes so be patient. go with ramsey his advice was right for us brisi girls.

good luck

julie and steph.:):)
..If u r the buyer, theres no need for MA, only need to provide details/license no to the seller...
Seller should have the relevant MA from his state..

If your the buyer and the seller is from another state you still need a MA..

do i need to fill that box in b4 i print it and is it with todays date or the date the snake is to be sent or can i just print it and write a date in when i recieve the snake ??
thats the part thats got me confused atm =)
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Find out from the seller what dates he is going to put on his export application and do the same on your MA. By the way its not a very good idea to be plastering your personal information all over a website.
Yeah, really bad idea putting your address up for all to see. I'd edit your post and remove the image ASAP if i were you.
lol my bad >_<
that better ?
ok well ill scrap this MA and do up a new one tomorrow when i get a confirmed date from the seller

Cheers all
Find out from the seller what dates he is going to put on his export application and do the same on your MA. By the way its not a very good idea to be plastering your personal information all over a website.
so you want to purchase a snake from interstate this is what i did.

get a movement advise.
when the seller has got the export permit.then supply the seller with the movement advise number and your licence number thats all. email it to him/her.
you should recieve the export permit with the snakes
you sign the movement advise and date it the day you recieve the snakes.
you then have one week to send off two copies of your movement advise you got and keep the other ,no need to send one to the seller as they are interstate.
also send off the export permit to the epa (but keep a photo copy) at the same time with the two copies of your movement permit.

sorry cant make it any clearer for you.
again good luck
Fill it in with the date the move is intended if the seller is unable to send on that day they can change it.
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