Hey everyone
just a few questions i want to know about the online movement advice cuz im confused as hell
ok so i want to get a python sent up from NSW but im not sure witch part goes where
has anyone els from QLD bought a snake from another state that can give me a few pointers
witch parts do i send to the seller and when?
do i need to have a date filled in the box that says "date movement to be commenced" or can i leave that blank untill i recieve the snake ?
the movement advice number is the date on the print out?
any help would be Very appreciated

just a few questions i want to know about the online movement advice cuz im confused as hell
ok so i want to get a python sent up from NSW but im not sure witch part goes where
has anyone els from QLD bought a snake from another state that can give me a few pointers
witch parts do i send to the seller and when?
do i need to have a date filled in the box that says "date movement to be commenced" or can i leave that blank untill i recieve the snake ?
the movement advice number is the date on the print out?
any help would be Very appreciated