Moving from mice to rats

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hi guys,

I have a 9 month old Bredli who is currently feeding on adult mice. I have tried moving her on to rats before but she refuses to eat them. She ate 1/8 that I offered her. But the moment I offer a mouse it disappears. I went to my local pet barn from where I buy my frozen rodents and the lady there advised me to cut open the mouse and smear the blood on the rat and then offer it to the snake. That would be my last resort - is there any other way of getting her onto rats? Out of the 8 that I offered - she sometimes attacked the rats but then quickly let them go and then didn't eat them at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!


maybe it's the taste. might taste horrible, and would you eat a rat?:D
sorry just in a happy mood for some reason:D.

I have a Diamond that is similar but have had no problems if I leave the rat in with my live mice for 1/2 hour or so and then feed it to the snake. it's just a way of scenting or could try feeding mouse first then try a rat of similar size while he is still in feeding mood. Hope all goes well for you
Simply defrost a few mice to 1 rat in warm water or throw a few live mice in a small tub for 1/2 hr.
They will wee / poo [] in the tub, you simply remove them and rub the rat in the tub.
It will definately pick up a strong mouse scent and away you go.
Thanks guys! Well I don't have any live mice - I just have the one snake so I just buy from the pet store. I will try defrosting rats and mice in the same bag and hopefully she will go for it :)! I'll try giving her and adult mouse and a small rat next feeding day (sunday).
when i moved my spotted on from mice to rats, i had half a bag of small rats and mice together and for 2 or 3 feeds i fed him one fuzzy mouse and then after he ate that, a pinky rat...
then agian my spotted would eat my hair if he ever managed to get that far up my arm...but thats what i was told to do when swapping him from mice to rats.
Leave it hungry for 4 or 5 weeks.Do that during the warmer months when their appetites are insatiable then offer a rat.
I tried my Jungle on a Rat, turned out it was striking practice. Then I scenting the rat with a mouse a day later and he took that well, then I week later I tried him just on a rat, and he had no worries.
Simply defrost a few mice to 1 rat in warm water or throw a few live mice in a small tub for 1/2 hr.
They will wee / poo [] in the tub, you simply remove them and rub the rat in the tub.
It will definately pick up a strong mouse scent and away you go.

Pretty sound advice here. I have had success just rubbing the mouse all over the rat and it is usually enough to provide enough scent. You can than gradually reduce the amount of contact made between the muse and rat with each feed.
I had this problem. If mine didn't take it, I left it for another week and tried again. If he didn't take it, left it again. Eventually after about 4 weeks he ate it. Now, he can't get enough of them. I didn't do the whole blood/brain thing, couldn't be bothered. Just make sure your temps are fine too...just in case.
Yea temps are good - range between 28-32 degrees. I don't feed her in the enclosure though - she's fed in a separate feeding tub. Will try defrosting them together this weekend and i'll let you guys know how I go. Thanks once again!!
I must be lucky, my snake took rats 1st go and has a stronger feeding response to rats than it did mice. Good luck with making the switch.

hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that she successfully took a rat today after I defrosted it with a mouse :D!! Thanks for all your help! Now hopefully she'll grow a bit faster.. I was giving her 2 adult mice per week, she is now 11 months old. I've just given her 1 fuzzie rat and 1 adult mouse... from next week hopefully it will be 2 fuzzies and then depending on the size of bump it leaves - will up her to hopper rats.

Thanks once again!
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