My childrens isnt eating...

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Not so new Member
Jan 21, 2007
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Western Sydney, NSW
any help would be much appreciated! I have a female childrens python, about 8 months old. She was eating fine, very happy and stuff, perfect to handle till winter set in. She stopped eating then and went off her heat mat, and i think she may have been trying to hibernate. I tried offering her a mouse and she wanst interested. I left it for a couple of weeks and she still wasnt on the heat mat. She didnt eat all through winter, and she has just started being a bit more active, but she hasnt eaten in a long time and she wasnt interested in the mouse i tried to give her yesterday, and she even tried to snap, which she has never done, not even as a hatchie. What should i do to get her eating again? should i leave it till its warmer?
If she isn't losing any condition then i'd say just wait it out, some pythons just go off their food and inactive with the colder weather and start eating again as it starts warming up. When she starts losing condition is when you should worry.
How long is a couple of weeks excactly?
put the temp back up that should get it to feed i have trird it and it worked:D
ok ill try all that, thanks guys!!! a couple of weeks was probably 2 weeks, then i think i offered her another mouse, but she turned her nose up at it. so she hasnt eaten in about 5 weeks.
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