Not so new Member
any help would be much appreciated! I have a female childrens python, about 8 months old. She was eating fine, very happy and stuff, perfect to handle till winter set in. She stopped eating then and went off her heat mat, and i think she may have been trying to hibernate. I tried offering her a mouse and she wanst interested. I left it for a couple of weeks and she still wasnt on the heat mat. She didnt eat all through winter, and she has just started being a bit more active, but she hasnt eaten in a long time and she wasnt interested in the mouse i tried to give her yesterday, and she even tried to snap, which she has never done, not even as a hatchie. What should i do to get her eating again? should i leave it till its warmer?
any help would be much appreciated! I have a female childrens python, about 8 months old. She was eating fine, very happy and stuff, perfect to handle till winter set in. She stopped eating then and went off her heat mat, and i think she may have been trying to hibernate. I tried offering her a mouse and she wanst interested. I left it for a couple of weeks and she still wasnt on the heat mat. She didnt eat all through winter, and she has just started being a bit more active, but she hasnt eaten in a long time and she wasnt interested in the mouse i tried to give her yesterday, and she even tried to snap, which she has never done, not even as a hatchie. What should i do to get her eating again? should i leave it till its warmer?