My frog swallowed a pebble! What do i do?

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Not so new Member
Oct 6, 2009
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In the Gully
I just fed my two green tree frogs some crickets. I have some pebbles at the bottom of the enclosure and one of them has swallowed a pebble about the size of its mouth. Im worried that he wont be able to bring it up. What should i do?
I have had them in the same cage with the same pebbles for more than 2 years. I dont doubt that it has not happened before, but i have never actually seen it. Should i put him in a separate container to monitor his progress?
hmmm, i have read threads where frogs have died from impactions, so i would at the very least put him somewhere where u can monitor him.

i dont know if he'll throw it up, if it goes thru do u think its'll make it out the other end?

id call a vet and ask if anything can be done incase it does end up with probs so ur ready to go if it goes pear shaped.

i do hope he is ok though, ive never kept frogs, just passing on what ive read in the past.
You should definitely take him to the vet, if your frog hasn’t brought it up yet then it is something to have concern for. This must be really scary for you, I hope it all works out.
He will probably regurge the pebble just leave him be bit monitor him closley
He will probably regurge the pebble just leave him be bit monitor him closley
yup i agree he will regurge it , when i got my frogs i had them for a week then one day i herd a clunk against the glass . i had a look and it was a rock that it had spat up . i know it didnt get it from my enclosure as i didnt have small rocks in there .
It may be too late to do it now but iv had a similar experience and what i did was gently squeeze its stomach and i could see it when it opened its mouth, i then removed it with twisers
But by now he would have well and truly swallowed it it would be best just to leave him and hope he brings it up
Its a hard one, I would imagen that it wouldn't make it through without digestion organ damage, but you never know, just remember what animal your dealing with, frogs can sometimes amaze, anyways I hope your little fella can fight through it, best of luck.:)
Just wait he'll be right.

I agree with Waruikazi, not because he's right necessarily, I know nothing about frogs. But his post count is bigger than everyone else's. So he must be right :D

On a more serious note, if it's as big as the frog's mouth I doubt it'd even try to pass it, wouldn't it just regurgitate it?
Hey just thought id say its been 3 days now and my frog seems fine. He is feeding fine and seems to be fine. I am sure that he bought it back up himself. Thanks everyone for your help.
I agree with Waruikazi, not because he's right necessarily, I know nothing about frogs. But his post count is bigger than everyone else's. So he must be right :D

On a more serious note, if it's as big as the frog's mouth I doubt it'd even try to pass it, wouldn't it just regurgitate it?

Whatever trevor. If you really think i know about this kinda stuff because of my post count then you have alot to learn.
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