My Jacky dragon is Gravid..... What do I do??

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Not so new Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Hi All,
Sorry if this has been discussed before, I'm new here and have tried searching the forum however couldn't see a similar thread.

I recently bought a female Jacky dragon and her belly looks and feels as though it has eggs.. so I'm presuming she is Gravid.

This was not a planned thing so I have no idea what the heck to do!
I've tried google searching however the results don't seem to match what I'm asking!

If anybody could point me in the right direction with what to do that would be extremely appreciated.
Should I be looking at buying an incubator for her eggs or is it best to leave her to hatch them?
How will I know when she is ready to lay the eggs?
... So basically... What the heck do I do? :shock:

Thanks in advance!
Hey mate, i dont keep jackies, but i have a couple of beardies, i'd suggest (if you haven't already) providing a laying box so she has somewhere comfortable to lay. As far as incubation goes let us know whether you want to keep the babies, whether you have anything to do with a bunch of hatchies etc. IMO give her somewhere to dig and lay, as far as the incubation etc goes you should have a little while to give some more info and decide the best way to go about it based on advice from someone who know's a bit more about jackies

Cheers Paul
Jacky eggs are easy to incubate, they can be incubated at 27 degrees,as said before provide her with a laying box of sand you will know when it is coming because she will "test" the sand for somewhere to lay.let us know when she lays:)
Thanks Furiousgeorge and Ssnakekid,
I will start to get a laying box ready for her now, is there a certain depth it should be or will a take away container be suitable 1/2 filled with the sand?; should I keep it in the warm or cool part of her tank. (like I said I'm a newbie)
I'm picking up an incubator off a friend tomorrow (she uses hers for her chickens, so hopefully it will be suitable) .. I'd love some little baby Jackys however depending on how many hatch will depend on what I do with them,rudi.jpg you can sort of see her belly in the picture, sge isnt that great to handle so I couldnt get a good pic of her underside.
Hey Mate,

She looks a fair bit skinny, try feeding her some woodies or crickets. She should be fed as much as she wants everyday (while gravid). Another way is to feed 2 ML's of Baby Food with a syringe (mix a bit of calcium powder in to help with the egg development).

Make sure your temps are 25 at the cool and and 35-40 at the basking spot.

No need to provide a laying box, create a mix with 2 parts Coir Peat and 1 Part Sand to a depth of 5cms and 15 in some spots. Have the deepest part at the cool end. She will dig a few "test" spots before she lays, that is a good sign she is due to lay.

For incubation - Get a 3L Sistema tub and fill it halfway with with coir peat. Also make sure you squeeze it to get all the excess water out. Halfway bury the eggs into the substrate and place on a shelf thats not in direct sunlight and has a constant temp. Allow twice as long for them to hatch (100days). Don't count your chickens before they hatch ;)

PM me if you need any more help.

Jordy :)
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Hi Guys,

Well we have 7 eggs!! They are in a tub with vermiculite and in an incubator that is keeping a constant heat.. so Fingers crossed!
I made a laying box for her but she had no real interest in it, besides sleeping in it for 1 night.

So fingers crossed with the eggs.
Thanks again for all your advice

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