my juvenile 5-6 month dragon does not eat often HELP !

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Aug 2, 2012
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Hey guys I would like you guys to help me with me bearded dragon she does not eat very often.
may you guys help me because she does not eat, she eats one large roach every 2-3 days shes 5-6 months old i got her 2-3 months ago
What are your enclosure temps, basking, warm end, cool end? What uv source are you using and how far above the basking area is it? How bright is the enclosure? A pic might help id the problem
View attachment 265155View attachment 265156View attachment 265157 that is a picture of her and her enclosure she is housed with another dragon( male ). its pretty dark when i turn off its uv light the uv i use is a 10.0
34 watt the basking light i use is a 100 watt infared lamp never turned off basking spot is about 40 degrees the middle of the tank is 22 cold side is 18. basking area is about 18-20 cm away from heat source
she hasnt shed since i got her. everytime i take her out to play she tries to find a hiding spot and sleeps.... hopefully these pictures help :(
pics don't work....
sounds to me its a dominance issue maybe you have 2 boys,i would seperate them and i think she/he will start eating.\
also i use flood lights for my beardy's they associate heat with light.
this is what works for me
The one that doesnt eat is the female and the other is male. so can it still be a dominance issue?
and can i change a day globe basking globe instead of the infared as it emits heat and enables the reptile to see
and how can i make the pictures work :( please help !
How many hrs a day is the uv light on for??? Just in your posts u say it's dark when u turn the uv off, then in your other post u want to use a day basking globe for heat and light.
lol this is replacing the infared not replacing the uv light because its too dark beacuse the dragons cant actually see the uv light and the uv isnt a problem because the male dragon eats like a pig and the female eats barely anything.... just to let you know anyway i leave uv light on for 12 hours and turn it off for 12 hours.
The light that stays on 24/7 is the infared but the dragons dont see that light aswell
Is the basking light a red one? If it is, then it emits light your dragons can see as the light output isn't infrared. Human eyesight cannot visibly see infrared light without assistance.

Doesnt matter on the sex of them, either can be dominant and hog the basking site. Almost every breeder has told me to keep on their own to avoid this.
Just use a normal bulb to resemble the sun. temps and uvb seems good. Maybe bump the temp up to 45 in the basking area. also give her a soak in warm shoulder deep water and keep your eye on her.
Offer food once she has warmed up
So do i seperate them? and they look fine together nothing seems to be causing any problems.... they sometimes even sleep next to each other?
can that cause her not to eat and shed?
will warming her up cause her to eat? she should have shedded twice during the 2 month period as she is only 5-6 months old this is the age were they grow like crazy :( !!!
warming them up will make them more active and kick off their metabolism.
but the other male dragon eats like crazy he eats anywhere even if hes cold.
the female just doesnt eat whats so ever....
ive tried heating her up and feeding her still ignores it.....
Hi Jonni,

I'd agree that the most likely problem is that your thriving dragon is giving your miserable dragon a hard time. Dominance behaviour is not always obvious, but your female is showing all the signs of reacting to it. I'd recommend separating them as quickly as possible. If there were dominance issues, your female should improve fairly rapidly once she is alone.
dragons aren't friends, they see another dragon as competition for food and basking spots so separate them if you want the female to eat.

plus when they are old enough the male will always bother her because he wants to breed and it will put her off food.

one dragon to one enclosure.

stop saying they look fine together because they are not - the female isn't eating, only the male is.
alright then ill seperate them ! ill notify you guys in a week to see if all goes well :) thanks for the help guys
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