My MD is acting funny

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
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Now in the Wild West Vic
I have left my 4 year old MD alone lately because I thought he was going to shed again, his eyes went blue in color as normal and his markings are rather faded but tonight I noticed that at the start of his tail at the anus there is 2 funny pointed scales i have never seen before. I have only had this snake for 12 months or so as he was resuced from complete filth. I am trying to get a pic but he is unusually aggressive and normally he has no problems being held and is very placid. Any ideas???
That sounds like his spurs. I have read that both genders have them but are more prominent on males. He uses them to stimulate the girls during breeding. Also I heard on a documentary that the spurs help them with climbing.

aggressive, if his eyes have cleared he will most likely shed in next few days. Aggressive could be becaue of that or maybe getting closer to breeding season and he is maturing and wants some love from a gal.
thanks, I had thought about getting him a girl but they are a bit hard to come accross, when I got this guy he was insane, could not walk past his tank. without him almost knocking himself out on the glass The cage he came from had not been cleaned ever by the look of it and there was bare live electrical wires in it as I found when I got electricuted getting him out while trying not to throw up. I had never seen so many mites.
OMG why do people do such things to animals!!! I'm sure he has a MUCH BETTER life with you Justdriftnby!
He is alot better now, He has alot of burn marks/scars on him but with time they are fading, He is both my boys party trick and every kid has there photo taken with him. He is the biggest snake I have owned and now I dont have any probs handleing him anymore to the point I take him outside on my own.
After any ideas reguarding my MD as I have been spreading his feeds out a bit lately due to him having a smalish head for his body and its now been 6 or 7 weeks and he has never refussed a feed but offered a rat to him the last 2 nights and he doesnt show the slightest bit of interest, he still has a retained piece of shed under his head that I have been moistening every night with his help (I was told that as long as it doesnt go around his body it is fine) Could there be any reason for his lack of interest in food?? He is extreemly active and remarkably placid
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