My Olive Python smells like cheese??....

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New Member
Oct 17, 2009
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Alice Springs NT
My Olive Python hasn't been eating for 6 months, recently discovered she smells a bit like cheese....... She is about three and a half and was a good eater b4, at least 2 or 3 rats in a fortnight. Any Ideas?
Leave some powder on the floor at night to check if she's making trips to the fridge.
Hi - I also suspect your python may have an infection, but before jumping to conclusions, thoroughly clean your cage first, put your snake back, and then check again. If your snake is otherwise well, and the only issue is the odour, you need to treat the snake, not the odour. Other than fasting (not unusual) is your python alert and well? Is it passing stool? If so, is the stool green and runny (this would suggest the problem is hepatic - liver). If you take her to the vet, and you have a fresh stool sample, take that with you ...
In terms of the 'cheesy' smell, when you consider the primary ingredient of any cheese is in fact bacteria, it is possible that your snake has a bacterial infection.
Hope this helps,
Leave some powder on the floor at night to check if she's making trips to the fridge.

this seriously is one of the funniest things i have read in a while, but back to your issue, i would take it to a vet immediately
I'm sorry I cracked up at the name of your thread, I honestly thought that it was a joke thread. I would certainly give cleaning out the enclosure a try, if not take her to the vet. Hope everything goes well.
She is definately alert and very active..... Moves around alot at night. Cleaned her enclosure out very well the other day, i clean it almost every 10 days or so. She hasn't really passed any stools except for a couple of weeks ago when she shed, it was a runny kind of brown..... Apart from that the last time would of been the last time she ate. I put a couple of extra hiding spots in there for her i thought she just might not feel secure enough. Also tried to feed her a baby chicken, suggested by the pet shop, she still wasn't interested apart from trying to get away from it. The only problem with going to a vet is that here in Alice Springs the vets aren't really reptile smart, one of my friends took their snake there and with in a month it passed away because they had no idea. I have a friend at the reptile center here who say's he'll come and try feed her, he has no clue 2 what the cheese smell is though. If he can't get her 2 at least eat something he will probaly take her for a few weeks and see if he can figure it out. Everyone seems to think i'm having them on when i say she smells like cheese :) most of them don't believe me untill they smell it for them self, even then she is a little bit crazy and doesn't like being handled very often so it's kinda hard to get your nose close enough :)
It sounds like mouth cancer to me. (Stomatis)
Is there a cheesy substance around the jaw/gum area?
Doesn't seem to be. The smell isn't really need her mouth, it's mostly from about a quarter of the way down to her tail. Whe the retile guy comes around i'll definately get him 2 check, She doesn't really let me any where near who mouth with out a strong pair of gloves on or more then one person handling her. I'm kinda a weakling and she is still very strong without eating.
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