my snakes have mites!!!

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Not so new Member
Mar 14, 2010
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rocky qld
hey.....i was just wonder does anyone know an effective way to get rid of mites??? Both of my snakes have them(coastal carpet 160cm+ and a cape york 69cm, could ppl give me there number to talk as its easier for to talk by phone than typing :)...i also have a couple of can i prevent it from happening again and how do they get mites??? thanks dave :)
you can get an american product called prevent-a-mite, an aussie product called top of descent ( from herpshop), you can also dilute down a product called orange medic available from your chemist (used for head lice i think) but look for the one without tea tree oil as it can be dangerous for the reptile. there is different instructions for using each of the above, some you use on the cages, and some are suitable for use on the animals themselves.
i have heard of people using a diluted bleach solution to clear the cage, but obviously dont use it on the animal.

mites can come in if you use untreated branches, mulch, rocks or anything from outside in your cages, but it could also be transmitted simply by you having picked something up outside and then handled your snakes. if you are putting branches etc into your cage you can always sterilise them by either nuking them in the microwave, in the oven or cleaning them with one of the above mentioned products, or even complete submersion in a drum of water for a few days to kill anything off that is living internally!

you should also implement some level of quarantine, or even a cleaning order with your animals, start using hand sanitiser between cages, cleaning handling gear between cleans etc as a way of minimising the risk of any future tramsmission.

hope this helps you out mate!
There is a great thread on here how to get rid of mites just do a search i think its a sticky so shouldnt be hard to find just make sure all your animals are clean it is possible for mites to transfer from other animals as well
Hope this helps, not trying to say other ways wont work this is what worked for me.

You can also soak them in betadine/water soultion, 1 bath per snake, obviously warm temps and enough betadine too turn the water to a urine colour (maybe add the betadine after letting your snake/s soak in fresh water so they dont drink the betadine solution.any mites around the head you can dab mineral oil on with a cotton bud. (Personally i didnt have to repeat this i only had to do it once but with 3 snakes you should probably do it every 4 days)

Do this plus clean enclosure thoroughly in bleach/water soultion (30:1) let sit 15 minutes then rinse with normal water (or just use F10) also soak fake plants/ hides/ water bowls Etc. in soultion and rinse. you may have to repeat this step every 4-6 days

Completely dispose of substrate often!!!!

And use your MAC/TOD spray as directed on bottle making sure to spray outside the enclosure on the exterior of the enclosure and caperts/draps/curtins Etc.

Cheers Batesy​
thanks ppl 4 all ur help i thought it was my F#@ up that i got em but then i got told u can get em from any were so i feel better now lol.... i got mac
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