Hi All - brand new member - so look forward to learning lots!
I have a nearly-5yo daughter who is mad keen on snakes - would like to get her set up with her first snake and have been reading advice and postings with interest. Am wondering though, is 5 years old too young? I would be with her the whole way, every time she handles, feeds, cleans etc - and think it would be a great way to learn responsibility, but am just curious as to whether snakes enjoy noisy environments with little hands. Look forward to some advice!
I have a nearly-5yo daughter who is mad keen on snakes - would like to get her set up with her first snake and have been reading advice and postings with interest. Am wondering though, is 5 years old too young? I would be with her the whole way, every time she handles, feeds, cleans etc - and think it would be a great way to learn responsibility, but am just curious as to whether snakes enjoy noisy environments with little hands. Look forward to some advice!