Nagging nearly-5 year old

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Oct 24, 2008
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Hi All - brand new member - so look forward to learning lots!
I have a nearly-5yo daughter who is mad keen on snakes - would like to get her set up with her first snake and have been reading advice and postings with interest. Am wondering though, is 5 years old too young? I would be with her the whole way, every time she handles, feeds, cleans etc - and think it would be a great way to learn responsibility, but am just curious as to whether snakes enjoy noisy environments with little hands. Look forward to some advice!
Umm from people i have talked to who have little kids, have said that here children love their snakes. Im not too sure on if she will be up to alot of handling or whatever. But atlease you have commited to it as well. which is always a good step. So seeing though you will be there all the time i dont see why not. For a good first snake seeing though you have a young daughter i would look at buying something on the lines of a older snake. Something that has been handled alot and around young kids as well. For type anything will really do. If possible try go see the snake before you buy. The only reason why i has older snake that has been handled is that you dont want your little girl to get bit and that would be the end on it. Thats all i can really think about at the moment. its still early morning. Anyway i hope that helps abit.
I also had small children when the first snake came into my house, the kids love the snakes and the snakes tolerate the kids lol. I don't think any snake particularily likes noisy environments and lots of interaction with little hands but the majority will put up with it. I started with a stimson's python and the majority of these seem to be very calm. In addition if it does bite your daughter the amount of pain and damage will be minimal even when it is an adult. Please do not let the idea of a bite deter you as a small python bite will be alot less painful than your average cat bite. Good luck what ever you decide.
noise isnt a problem snakes cant hear ,its vibration and sudden motions that can give snakes a children running around outside squeeling and laughing isnt a problem BUT running up to the enclosure banging on the front glass ..grabbing the snake holding it in enclosed hands like a vice grip will upset your snake ..your key to educating your daughter is to be gentle and relaxed around her little snake with the maintaining of the setup you of course will be chief controller as she is way to young to do that ..hope you get a nice little reptile that your happy with and who KNOWS she my end up hooked like alot of us on here...
my house can be quite noisy at times with 3 kids and all their friends. we have 18 snakes through out our house and have never had a problem with any of them. it maybe different if their little kids banging on the enclosure
My little girl spent a year lobbying for a snake, so we finally caved and got an adult Stimson. If you get the setup correct, they are very easy pets and children can be taught to care for them properly. As long as you are a good supervisor, you should be fine! I'd recommend one of the Antaresia to start with, as the Morelia get a bit big for a 5-year-old and can give a decent bite as adults.
My daughter was 3 when we got our first snakes. She has been great with them and they with her. I'm always there to watch her with them or very close by. I would advise that you do they same as if the snake wrapps around your daughters neck too tight and constricts and you aren't there to see it or help. That could be a bit of a problem.
In our experience, as long as the child is calm with the snake/s it is usually fine.
Over the years we have noticed that girls that want snakes seem to be much more sensible than boys when it comes to handling them..........this is just a broad generalisation..
I have had snakes long before the kids came along. Now I have a 4 years old girl and a 1 year old boy. My daughter loves reptiles and is really good with them. My son is too young to have much contact with them but enjoys looking through the glass doors. If you teach your daughter how to care for them and do not let her have access to them by her self then 5 years is not too young.

If you join Reptile club you can learn a lot and meet other families that own snakes. What area do you live in?

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