Olive with RI? What do I do??

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Active Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
First, not getting into keeper details but this isn't my olive, just one that I've had lots of handling time with and have grown incredibly attached to. She's around 2 years old and 5-6 feet long.

I had her out today and the following symptoms were displayed:
- crackling/popping bubble noise when breathing
- yawning every 5 minutes (scared the living daylights out of me the first time when her head was on my shoulder!! Good view of her teeth though)
- holding mouth slightly ajar between yawns
- slightly puffed throat
- stomach gurgling (I assume stomach, noises were coming from first 1.5-2 feet of body)

From what I've researched it sounds like an RI :(
Her cage temps are around 31-32C at hot end, can't remember exact last shed date (keep in mind, she isn't my snake), she's eating fine, and seems to behave like a placid, curious olive should. She does, however, have what looks like a crust around her nose, particularly nostrils and the divides between rostral, internasal, prefrontal and mental scales. Could this be a retained shed?

What can I do about this? The owner isn't around and some friends and I are looking after the snake, so I'm not sure if I can take it straight to the vets until I get the OK from them. Until then, what can I do? I've heard of bumping up the cage temps and some remedies suggest vapor rub and eucalyptus oil in hot water, letting the snake breathe in fumes. Any suggestions??

Is it contagious or is that just pneumonia? I maintain several other snakes including my own and don't want to risk infecting them as well.

Last question, it is treatable, right? She really is my favourite python and I was already pretty upset when I realised she was sick. I hope she won't die from this, I'd be gutted.

Thanks for any help and advice you can give me, I really do appreciate it.
It's treatable. Sounds a bit far along but crank the hot end up to 35-36 until you can get the animal to a reptile specialist vet. Good luck, hope it ends well!
same thing happened to me with my jungle
he is now getting a ingection every three days
he is looking sooo much better already
l am sure it will be the same case with the olive
sounds like a nice snake :)
It reads, to me, like it is about to shed! If so , knocking the temperature up won't hurt but I would lay off the antibiotics.
I agree with Wokka. I had an olive boy, about 9ft, displaying the same symptoms as you have mentioned. It frightened me when he was sitting there with his mouth open. The vet found his nostrils were completely blocked with retained skin. REmove the skin and he was fine. It looked funny watching the vet pick his nose but that is what the problem was. So when I notice him going into shed, I misted him every day till he shed, to make sure he could get it off.
If it is a retained shed will her sloughing again clear that up or does someone need to remove it?
Bumping up the cage temps and clearing around nostrils seems to be the first course of action. If no improvement is shown then it's off to the vets.
Thanks for the responses everyone, I feel a bit better that she'll be treated and in full health soon enough.
The puffed up throat is indicative of an impending shed as is the yawning.
If there is actually bubles from the nose than it may be RI but if its just noise, akin to snoring, then it may be retained shed or more likely lose skin in the nostrils which should come off with this shed.
When did she last shed?
Have her eyes been opaque?
Pretty sure it will be RI because of the bubble noise the stomach gurgling
Gurgling is caused by chest/lung infection
Just like we do when we have the flu
Read a thread called Alternative Reptile Treatment if you dont like antibiotics too much
Treatment in there works extremely well

Otherwise vet and keep temps up
It is possible her next shed will lift any retained skin, but just check her nostrils afterwards to make sure.
Wokka, there aren't any bubbles around her nose, her nostrils look blocked up with something dry and off-white. The noise she makes is a wheeze with clicking (is the best way to describe it). I'm not 100% on last shed date, she's not my snake, I'll see if I can get into contact with owner. Maybe around a month ago? Plus or minus a week? Very clear eyes. If she is going to shed it won't be any time soon.

Longqi, chest infection doesn't sound good. I'll check out that thread, definitely, especially if you've had good results from it. Or a vet. She's a delightful snake, I'd be willing to take her to the vets on her owners behalf if they won't be able to soon.

Mysnakesau, I'll be sure to monitor her next shed and clear around her nostrils. Thanks for the help
The main reason for concern is not the clicking noise which can have several causes including pre-shed and/or retained shed or RI

I would worry more about the gurgling sound from the chest area
Any noise like that is usually RI
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