opinions on feeding spotted

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2009
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hey i have had my spotted for 5 years now. i am feding her 3 adult mice a feed every 7-10 days is this a good feeding roster. all opinions valued.
Personally, I prefer not to have "rostered" feeding... I feed my adult Ants whenever I think they need it, usually about once a month for general snakes, every week for a female who has just laid eggs after not eating 7 months, anytime they are willing for picky non eating males, sometimes I feed 40g mice, sometimes 120 gram rats... I prefer to mix it up, but like thin males and fat breeding females...but not too fat.
A snake's metabolism slows down as they get older, so they don't need quite as much food as they did when they were young. Personally, I'd be feeding her one or two rats that are a good size for her (largish but not too fatty) every 3-4 weeks. Adult snakes do not need much food at all unless they're breeding :)
we feed our girl anywhere from 7 to 21 days, shes about that age, average would be 14 days, but we only feed her 1 at a time, sometimes it's an adult mouse, lately we've been feeding her large weaner rats, shes a guts and will keep eating if you let her :D
yeah i know mine didnt eat since april n i just fed her 3 adult mice just under her fattest point and she had no probs ,3 days later shes looking for more, im breeding mice would anyone recommend moving to rats or is mice still ok..is it bad if you never breed your snake or is it better to breed.
I prefer rats because I don't need to feed as many, but mice are fine. It's not "bad" if you don't breed your snake. They don't need to be bred. If you don't want to breed her, then don't :)
I have a 7-year-old spotted and only feed a mouse or small rat every 10 - 14 days. He's in great condition. I've never bred him and don't intend to do so. He stops eating in mid-winter for a couple of months and has just resumed feeding. I'll still do the normal feeds, as there is no need to fatten him up. I think you are feeding a bit much for a non-breeder, but that's just my opinion.
How big is your spotted, pythonmum?
He's 7 1/2 year old, 1.15 metres long, 560g and blonde colour phase. Lovely little guy. He'd weigh more if I fed him more (loves the food), but has been stable in length for a while. He lives with the stimson in my signature, but she's a bit smaller.
That's interesting :) How do you stop the two from breeding?
They regularly mate;) but I keep them warm all year, so no ovulation or eggs. Some people have reported eggs in uncooled snakes, but after nearly 6 years of eggless cohabitation, I think I'm on a winning strategy.
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