sorry guys but some of these i just HAD to post......some i didn't even think exsisted
Albuminurophobia - Fear of kidney disease.
Anglophobia - Fear of England, English culture, ect.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Bogyphobia - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman.
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Coimetrophobia - Fear of cemeteries.
Cyprianophobia - Fear of prostitutes
Dextrophobia - Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
Dutchphobia - Fear of the Dutch.
Epistemphobia - Fear of knowledge.
Francophobia - Fear of the French culture.
Geniophobia - Fear of chins.
Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis.
sorry mods if you want to delete that one, but i thought it unusual
Mageirocophobia *- Fear of cooking.
Mertophobia - Fear or hatred of poetry.
Namatophobia - Fear of names.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
no pool for you
Peladophobia - Fear of bald people.
oh fuscy....
Pentheraphobia - Fear of mother-in-law.
*LOL* thats the next ecuse to not go to the in laws
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.
Politicophobia - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
isn't half the country?
Pteronophobia - Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets
Walloonphobia - Fear of Walloons.
whats a walloon?
Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat.
thats about
but well yeah you can see
Albuminurophobia - Fear of kidney disease.
Anglophobia - Fear of England, English culture, ect.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Bogyphobia - Fear of bogies or the bogeyman.
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Coimetrophobia - Fear of cemeteries.
Cyprianophobia - Fear of prostitutes
Dextrophobia - Fear of objects at the right side of the body.
Dutchphobia - Fear of the Dutch.
Epistemphobia - Fear of knowledge.
Francophobia - Fear of the French culture.
Geniophobia - Fear of chins.
Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms or complex scientific terminology.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
Ithyphallophobia - Fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis.
sorry mods if you want to delete that one, but i thought it unusual
Mageirocophobia *- Fear of cooking.
Mertophobia - Fear or hatred of poetry.
Namatophobia - Fear of names.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
no pool for you
Peladophobia - Fear of bald people.
oh fuscy....
Pentheraphobia - Fear of mother-in-law.
*LOL* thats the next ecuse to not go to the in laws
Phobophobia - Fear of phobias.
Politicophobia - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
isn't half the country?
Pteronophobia - Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets
Walloonphobia - Fear of Walloons.
whats a walloon?
Zemmiphobia - Fear of the great mole rat.
thats about
but well yeah you can see