please help - Incubation Q

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AussiePythons Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
South West Victoria
G'Day all. I have a couple of Q's

I've just finished my incubator. Its a small bar fridge type one with a probe thermostat, and heat cord (as per photo)

I got this kind of themo b/c I was of the understanding that it would regulate the temp to within 1-2degrees. However the temps inside the incubator are going to about 34 and then down to about 27. Quite a big difference when I'm trying to get as constant to 30-31 as I can for beardy eggs. Is this a big problem.

Ive just put one of the thermometer probes into an actual egg conatiner (no eggs yet) to see if the containers hold a better regulated temp than the incubator (ie; even though there may be a big swing outside the egg container, inside it may only vary a few degrees - well im hoping anyway).

On another note, my females only gone 2wks and 1 day from mating and is getting pretty big and scratching/digging al over the place, as well as gone off her food. I put this lay box in there in readiness. (as per photo). She got in straight away and started digging, then got out again and hasnt really dug much since!!! And no she didnt lay! Does this mean shes happy with this as a lay box, and she'l just go back in when ready to lay???

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