Please help me Canberrans!?!?

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New Member
Jul 7, 2009
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Hi everyone, Im very new to this whole snake and reptile thing. My mum got me my B license and a little spotted python for my 16th birthday. I would really really like another snake, maybe just a stimsons or something small like that.
Living in the ACT how do I do it? I cant just go get a snake and then tell the license people can I? I have heard I have to submit an application, is it the same application my mum sent in for my license or something different? How long will it take for them to say I can have it and will they definately say yes?
Obviously I have no idea what Im talking about so any help would be really really great Thanks everybody. :)
there is a talk coming up about ACT licensing
(more info at Mark - Next Meeting)

Event : MARK (Monaro Amphibian and Reptile Keepers) 10th anniversary meeting.
When: Friday 14th august 2009
Where: Senior Citizens Club, Turner, Canberra City (Click here for map and address)

* Starting at 7pm, come along for a sausage sizzle/meet and greet
* From 7:30pm there will be announcements regarding the new format for MARK then a presentation from Environment ACT on the territories licensing system.
If you already have your licence all you need to do is find someone in canberra that has something for sale and when you buy the snake exchange details with the seller and then put those details in your record book.

You can go to reptiles inc in kambah and speak to them and maybe peter may have something for sale.
oh ok, i thought i had to get approved first? and thanks swaddo, ill try to make it but i have an exam the next day so ill prob be freakin to much :( stupid school.....
Hi firstsnake, I think Daniel1 may be a little confused. Even if you have a B class license you will still have to make an application to add a new species to your licence. You do not have to inform licensing (just use the log book) if you are getting another animal of a species you are already licensed to keep, but you will have to make an application to keep a new species.

It should be in the same format as your original application (i.e. where you are going to keep it, how you will keep it such as the enclosure, heating, feeding regime etc). You do not have to pay any money for this sort of application, and given you are already keeping a near identical species it should be a rubber stamp.

More information can be found at Territory and Municipal Services - Reptile Policy.
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