one of my new bluies got him self stuck in an ornament, it was a fake rock bridge and he managed to find a tiny hole and go in underneath.
after 2 hours we managed to get him free but had to saw the bridge. his face has been grazed by the saw..... its not deep it just looks like a graze. but im un sure what to do. i think he may be going into shock, i have brought him inside and placed him in a dark tub...he is breathing very heavy and keeping his eyes closed.
i rang the emergency vet and the guy goes " is it pregnant or ready to lay eggs?" due to this statement i have severe doubts as to if this vet knows anything about bluies and question if he would be able to help at all.....
please help with any suggestions
after 2 hours we managed to get him free but had to saw the bridge. his face has been grazed by the saw..... its not deep it just looks like a graze. but im un sure what to do. i think he may be going into shock, i have brought him inside and placed him in a dark tub...he is breathing very heavy and keeping his eyes closed.
i rang the emergency vet and the guy goes " is it pregnant or ready to lay eggs?" due to this statement i have severe doubts as to if this vet knows anything about bluies and question if he would be able to help at all.....
please help with any suggestions