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Apr 20, 2013
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G'day I have a windora Stimson she's gone abit flaky on her gut no where eles. not a lot just here and there but in her tub she is scraping the flacks off they look like fish scales it's really odd it looks like sheed flakes I wasn't really worried thinking it was just a retained sheed but she has now gone off her food which is rasing alarms i have gone throw all my herp books and online I can not find anything like this please help I would put a photo up but you won't be able to see it
Sounds like she is having trouble shedding. The reason I say this is when snakes go into shed, they often go off their food too. Have you noticed her colour being more dull than usual? Or her eyes going milky?
Try raising the humidity in her enclosure (Larger water bowl, spraying) or giving her soak in room temp. water for a few hours. That should help loosen her skin and she should do the rest herself.

I am unsure though. Could you please post a picture so we can have better of idea? It may be scale rot :?
I'd put a photo up but you won't see nuthen it looks normal just the flacks but there that fine n small the photo won't b able to see anything ill give that a go mate cheers sharky there is no sine of scale rot there's no discoulering
How hot is the floor of the enclosure. If the temps are too high, perhaps that is causing the flaking. If your girl is adult, she may just be going off food for the winter. Both my Stimson and spotted refused a feed last week, so I will let them fast until spring. I keep them warm, but they refuse food over winter, so I don't waste it any more.
Around 28-30 I'm not trying to cool her as I want her to put more size on for next years season and I don't turn down the heat at night as she is in a hatchy rack
are you using heat cord under the tub??? do you have a laser thermometer to tell you the surface temp not the air temp in the tub
Yes I'm useing heat coard and I have been useing a plumbers lazier temp gun
She's never refused a feed before! This stimmie has once gone into shed while feeding, that why we are so worried as she is normally a chainsaw.
How old is she? Given the right temperatures, stimmies tend to eat right through winter in their first and even second years, but when they are adults they very often stop feeding over winter. If she's the right age, that might be happening here. If she is going to eat, your warm end temperature should be about 32.

I'm not sure about the flaking.
She's 2 years old yea I think ill try bathing her and spray her every half hour for two hours tomorrow and see what happens hopfully she sheds and go from there thank you every one for the input
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