Pre lay confusion

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2008
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I have a female stimson python that had a shed on 6/09, I set up the incubator and started counting down the days and then she had another shed on 25/09 and was instantly belly up constantly, thought great! this must be the pre lay! Now she has had another shed this morning 25/10 and stopped doing the whole belly up thing in the last couple of days.:?
Im a bit confussed now, has anybody else had this happen or does anybody have any thoughts?

i guess the first could have been an pre ovulation shed the next a prelay shed but dont know why she had a third, were you feeding through any of this. unless you also have an underlying mite problem. or soemthign random. it would suck if she was egg bound.
No never had mites, hasn`t been fed since may and i seen copulation a couple of times.
Seeing copulation means nothing at all, I saw copulation every second day for 3 months for nil result. Wave a mouse in front of her nose and see if she eats it.
Seeing copulation means nothing at all, I saw copulation every second day for 3 months for nil result. Wave a mouse in front of her nose and see if she eats it.

So if she`s gravid she shouldn`t take a food item? Because I`ve heard of a coastal taking a rat then laying a few weeks later.
So if she`s gravid she shouldn`t take a food item? Because I`ve heard of a coastal taking a rat then laying a few weeks later.

There is a chance it might eat, though usually not, esp if it has a decent clutch. If it is super hungry, it won't be gravid.
Gravid / eating

l have a bhp that eats to within 10 days of laying, does it every year.....cheers solar 17

Yes, I agree.
80% of my females will eat whilst gravid, I usually give them smaller meals then they would normally get, but they eat and rarely refuse, after all snakes are oppertunist feeders.

She may have something else going on though, as two sheds you could put down to a growth and pre-lay, but 3 might indicate another health issue going on as snakes do go into a shed time after time when they are ill.

Might be best to get her checked out by a good herp vet and possibly have an ultrasound done to.

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Yhea i guess i`ll probably give her another week and if nothing happens i`ll offer her a feed just wasn`t sure if shedding paterns like that were common in animals suspected of being gravid.
Thanks for everyone`s input.
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