Prolapsed hemipene in gecko

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2005
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I've heard of this from others but never had this occur with one of my own geckos, but today I found a breeding male O. coggeri with a prolapsed hemipene. I knew there was something wrong from the a small dried spot of blood on the tile rack when I looked in the enclosure The gecko was in the lay box presumably keeping his member in a cool damp place. Currently got him on damp paper towels in a clean isolation tub with a hidebox and some gentle wamth. Advice from other gecko keepers would be appreciated.
I wonder if you could use a water and sugar paste on it, this works well for a rectal prolapse, not sure on a hemipene though.

Just a thought.

Good thought Daz-works on reverse osmosis to reduce swelling?
A quick update.
I followed huggies advice and the gecko sat on the damp pile of caster sugar for 24 hours, but to no avail. I then placed him in a clean tub with no nothing but a hide box.
I wondered about a cold ice pack and cognitve behavioral therapy to get his mind of the missus, but he still looked like a viagra overdose up to last night.

However this afternoon things seem to be back to normal. What is interesting is that there appears to be a gash right across the middle of the hemipenal bulge at right angles to the line of the body, on the side where the prolapse occured. I'm wondering if while paired the male got dragged a cross the edge of a tile...the blood spot is right next to the edge.

Anyway he looks to be on the mend. I'll keep him in single company for a while.

Thanks for the advice guys
Males usually bite at their bits when their protruding ;), possible bite mark?

Well yes they do 'lick' themselves up a bit to clean thier parts after mating , but I've not seen them have a nibble. But may be this one likes rough autoerotic action. Who knows! I wouldn't think such a gash would be self inflicted though
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